thirty one

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"I just signed this new singer, and I set up a concert for him. It's a small venue just for him to get some exposure. I'd like for you to accompany me."

The two were lying on the bed, playing with the cats.

"Sure, Taylor, whatever you want."

"You don't seem too thrilled."

"I'm sorry, I'm just exhausted from practicing for the fashion show. I'm worried I may not be good enough. I've only walked in a handful of shows so far, but this is the biggest fashion show in New York!"

Taylor reached over and gave her a sweet kiss on the lips.

"Sometimes I get so wrapped up in my career that I forget that you're just now beginning yours. If you don't want to go, I understand, sunshine."

"No, I do! I'm interested to hear about this new guy you found. I bet he's amazing if you signed him. Do you prefer working with male singers? So they don't have to change the pronouns of the songs?"

"I prefer working with whoever is the best. Ella is my top client and the best friend I have in the business, and I am okay with changing pronouns. She'll be there tonight. I'm excited for you to meet her."

"Does she know about us, about what you do?"

"Ella is one of the few people I trust, so of course she does. I hope that doesn't embarrass you."

"Not at all. I just didn't know what to expect."

It was quiet for the moment, realizing that the talk was over. It was time to begin a new topic.

"You know she purrs like you do." The cat jumped down, so Karlie wrapped her arms around the shorter girl.

"I do not purr? What does that even mean?" Taylor was confused, and Karlie chuckled. She got on top of the songwriter before she kissed her neck. She then licked every spot she had just kissed.

"What are you doing, Karlie?" She didn't respond. Her mouth got lower, and she kissed her core through her shorts. Taylor groaned and moved her hips.

"Trust me. I can make you purr, babe." She reached up and kissed her. Taylor grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her passionately.  Both girls pulled away, needing to breathe.

"We need to get ready." Taylor said with annoyance. She knew what Karlie was trying to do with those distractions. The dancer let out a long dramatic sigh. 

"Fine, but only because you're cute." Taylor won, and she was proud of herself for that.

While in the limo, Taylor was giddy. One glass of champagne to toast to her newly signed client was necessary. Karlie insisted. They both had such a wonderful year. Both of their careers were booming. Everything was falling into place. She and Karlie posed for a picture together. Taylor insisted. She pressed her forehead against Karlie's cheek. Her eyes were closed, but her smile and red lipstick couldn't be missed. The word love floated through her mind.

* * *

Before they were escorted to the VIP section, they met up with Ella. She had dark curls and brown eyes. Her voice sounded soulful. Karlie understood why Ella was her top client.

"Ella, this is Karlie, my submissive."

They shook hands. She didn't think she would casually mention that, but she did tell her Ella knew all about her lifestyle and muses.

"It's nice to meet you. I've heard plenty about you. You did well on the collar, T. Did you know it was the first unique collar she had made?"

That news was staggering. She thought she had all the same collars made for the submissives. It was further proof that Taylor was true to her word about her being the most special submissive. It was gratifying.

"Karlie, why don't you say thank you for embarrassing me."  

"Thank you for telling me. I didn't know."

"She has a way of keeping to herself, you think?"

"Okay, that's enough of that. Karlie, do not answer any more of her questions."

Security then escorted them to the secluded section. The two began drinking, and before the third shot, Karlie confessed what had been on her mind.

"You know, I'm glad she told me. It just further proves to me that you're truthful when you tell me I'm special. Please don't be mad at her."

"I'm just not used to being put on the spot like that, especially around my submissives."

Karlie put her arms around her shoulder and gave her a warm embrace.

"It's okay, my love. I still think you're big and bad."

She hoped she could dismiss her fears, prove to her that it's okay for people to know sweet things about her. The singer Taylor had signed, began performing, and he sounded so good. They held onto each other, swaying with one another as each song passed. The songs were loud, the drinks were strong, and Taylor was beyond sexy. All three of which Karlie liked. Taylor would lose her footing and would hold onto her for balance. She didn't expect her to be such a lightweight.

"He's going to make it big. I feel it!"

She talked loudly in her ear to make sure it was heard.

"That song he's singing? It's about you. You're mine. I'm going to kiss you now."

Their tongues danced along with the music. Her breath smelled like overpriced liquor, but she didn't care. She was enjoying being drunk on this feeling. Taylor pulled her closer, and her hands landed on her ass. They didn't realize the lights came back on and the concert was over. They were too wrapped up in each other. Her security guard led them to the limo. As they climbed in, Taylor ended up in the dancer's lap.

"Have sex with me." Her words were slurred. Her fingers trailed down her body and into her leggings.

"Are you sure? We're in the limo, and you're pretty drunk."

"I pay these people good money. I don't care what they think. I want to fuck my submissive." Karlie nodded her head to let Taylor know it was okay. Her fingers were magical. She still fucked her so good, despite her drunken state.

"Please come all over my fingers. I want to feel it. I want you to soak my hand."

Taylor was giving her every ounce of pleasure.

"Do you want me to repay the favor, Taylor?"

"Earlier, Ella only made those comments because she knows I've fallen for you."

She was expecting a response to the question, not a confession.

"I've fallen for you, too."

Taylor wouldn't remember this in the morning, and perhaps it was for the best.

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