twenty five

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Taylor broke out of the hold Karlie had her in and climbed out of bed. They always managed to cuddle up against one another throughout the night. The dancer looked so peaceful sleeping. She kissed her forehead softly before exiting the bedroom.

Today was Karlie's twenty-second birthday. The older girl wanted to make Karlie feel special in every way. She started cooking breakfast, and within ten minutes, the smoke alarm went off. She smacked her forehead gently. She heard a slight giggle as the taller girl walked into the kitchen.

"Are you seriously trying to cook?" Taylor felt her face blush. Karlie made her do that sometimes.

"I wanted to make you breakfast. I had it all planned out and everything."

She added as she placed the pans into the sink. She was more of a baker, at least some of the time. Her blue eyes turned dark when she realized Karlie was in a black robe. In her black robe, actually. Karlie had leaned up against the dining table, and when Taylor reached her. She picked her up and placed her body on the table. Once again, the younger girl giggled.

"Mm. Happy Birthday, sunshine. Today I intend to treat you like a princess."

"You treat me like a princess every day, love." 

Taylor kissed her hard against her lips and ran her tongue across her bottom lip. She untied the robe and flicked her right nipple. It caused her to moan, and she loved hearing her pants and moans. It turned her on more. She pressed against Karlie's chest to ease her down on the table. She dropped to her knees, and her tongue slid across wet folds. Her hips bucked against her face.  She then sucked on her clit, and the moans became more rapid.

"How many orgasms can you handle today?"

"As many as you want to give me, Taylor."

Even though it was her birthday, Karlie still wanted to please Taylor.

"How are you so perfect for me, Kar?" She stood up and placed her hands on Karlie's hips to help her up. She needed to see her lustful green eyes.  She noticed her smile become wider at Kar. Taylor made a mental note to call her that more often.

"Because I am yours, Taylor." She kissed her gently.

"You're such a pleaser. If we didn't have plans today, I would be between your legs all day."

She noticed her bite her bottom lip and tried not to look away from her. 

"You would like that, wouldn't you? You love when I fuck you with my tongue?"

"Taylor, I love when you fuck me, period."

The songwriter giggled and let go of her neck. She placed a feather kiss on the collar.

"Let's get ready before I decide to have other plans for you."

* * *

Taylor was waiting for Karlie outside the coffee shop. She had met up with Sean for a birthday coffee. Karlie insisted that she come along, but Taylor didn't want to intrude. She checked the clock on her phone, and it was close to noon. She thought Sean had work, which was why they had to meet early. She took her driver to wait while she went in.

She heard Karlie laugh. It was a special laugh that was reserved for her. It sounded flirty. A dark-haired girl was sitting at her table, and Sean wasn't in sight. She walked over to the table and crossed her hands over her chest.

"I thought you were having coffee with Sean... not this girl." Taylor said in a bitter tone.

"Oh, I was. He left a bit ago, Taylor."

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