Chapter 10

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Book #1 - this book - will be available on Wattpad, but the rest of the series will only be available on Ream and Amazon Kindle.

This book ends on a major cliffhanger that leads to part 2 of this book, titled Beta Enzo, which is currently serializing on REAM - link in my Bio❤️



Today is the day.

The day that I would start my new life - in a new place, a new world full of other wolves and only Goddess knows what else. The day that I've been dreading with all my heart since meeting those stupid wolves a week ago.

The day that my life would change forever.

"You got everything, son?"

Tearing my nervous gaze away from the back door of my car, I turn around to see my Mom and Dad carrying their suitcases out of the house, mine were already inside of my car - the whole thing stuffed to the brim with every single thing that I owed as far as clothes, shoes, products and paperwork goes.

"If not, we can send for the rest a little bit later, uncle Carrell is going to watch the house for us while me and mom are in the pack with you." Dad smiles and I return it with one sharp nod of my head than turn my attention back to the window of my car.

"Mell," Sighing when I hear my Dad again, I turn back around to see him now standing in front of me. "This is going to be amazing for you, trust me, everything will be fine and if you give this a chance, you will come to love living in a pack."

I nod again, silently relaying the message that I heard his words but I had none of my own to express how I felt about this whole situation.

"Alrighty then," Mom exclaims, happily clapping her hands together. "Let's get this show on the road, your father said that it's a long drive to the boundaries of the Nightshade pack."

I couldn't for the life of me figure out why a human woman was so excited to be going to a wolf pack, but that's my Mom - always cheerful and trying to keep an upbeat attitude about even the most awful things.

Like this.

Deciding that there was no longer a point in staring at the window of the back door of my car, I walk around the front and open the driver's door, then slide in and clip my seatbelt.

Watching as my Dad and Mom hop into their car, I slowly pull out of the driveway of the only home that I've ever known, following close behind them as we drive to what I'm sure would be my disaster of a new life.

Here goes nothing.


My Dad wasn't kidding when he said it was a long drive. By the time that we pulled up outside the heavily gated borders of a huge community within the forest, darkness had fallen upon the sky above.

Watching my Dad get out of his car, he slowly approaches the gates, hands up in the air as if he was signaling that he surrendered to something and only seconds later - I understood why.

"Shit!" I curse, jumping in my seat as I see at least ten huge and I do mean huge wolves running towards the gates, skidding to a stop, their claws scraping the pavement as they do.

My eyes widen as I tighten my grip on the steering wheel of my car so hard that knuckles had gone white, the muscles in my arms flexing to the pressure.

Swallowing nervously, I start to panic for my Dad as the wolves start to bare their canines at him, growling and downright pissed at his presence before he looks up and starts speaking.

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