Extra POV - Sienna

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I woke up to my head bumping into something hard. I groan at the feeling looking around, only to see that we were in the back of a van.

Two men sat in the front and the other two were in the back with us. One of them Romello in his lap, rubbing his hand underneath his shirt.

A growl rips through me and it gets the attention of the other man in the back with us. I can't place their faces because they're all wearing masks but his voice was eerily familiar.

"Hey, the feisty one is awake." Man #1 yells and the one driving answers.

"So knock her ass back out."

The one with a black mask scoots over towards me and I try to back up but he grabs my ankles and drags me back to him. A startled yelp leaves my lips as my head hits the hard floor of the van again.

He holds his fist up and I turn my head away bracing for the impact but then I hear him gasp and my eyes open to look at him again.

"D, she's marked." He says.

"What?!" The driver yells.

"She's marked. What do you want me to do?" The man with the black mask asks.

"Make her reject the mate," Theo one with red mask says as he glances over his shoulder from the passenger seat. "We can't risk what we need to do dealing with their bond."

The one with the black mask nods as he faces me again. "Reject your mate." He demands and I shake my head.

"No please. You can't make me do that." I beg and his hand comes across my face.

I let out a deep breath from the impact and my face starts to sting, my vision blurring for a moment.

"Reject your mate. I won't ask again." He demands pointing a finger in my face and tears brim my eyes.

"Please." I whisper and the other cocks a weapon I've never seen at Romello who was still passed out on his lap.

"Ok ok please wait. Please." I beg, panic gripping me.

"Reject your mate. Do it now." The one in the black mask demands again.

With one last embrace against Bryce's tether, I take a few deep breaths and say the words. "I, Sienna Pierce, hereby reject, Bryce Duvall, as my mate forever and always."

The next thing I feel is an intense pain radiant through my chest. I scream out in agony and try to move my hands but they're cuffed firmly behind my back. I can smell the wolfsbane and I knew that's why they burned so bad.

I cried to myself feeling my bond completely severe from Bryce and I could feel his agony too. It would be three days before I stopped feeling him and the same for him with me, but that doesn't stop the pain that comes with rejection.


The van starts slowing down and I guessed we were arriving at our destination.

The men in the back put the sacks back over me and Romello's head and rush us out of the dark van. They drag us through the street, the rage ripping up my legs as I feel myself get shoved into the back of another car.

We drive for what seemed like hours until the car stops and I'm yanked from it forcefully then made to walk blindly into what was next for Romello and I.

It was a long walk before we stopped and I heard two more doors open before being shoved forward.

Stumbling, I fall to the ground, unable to brace myself and I hit my head on the hard ground. I'm quickly pulled to my feet before the sack on my head is snatched off.

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