Chapter 20

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Book #1 - this book - will be available on Wattpad, but the rest of the series will only be available on Ream and Amazon Kindle.

This book ends on a major cliffhanger that leads to part 2 of this book, titled Beta Enzo, which is currently serializing on REAM - link in my Bio❤️



Five days later

It took an astonishing two days before Mell woke up from my bite forcing him into darkness and then another three days before his primal urges wore off enough for him to actually get the sleep that his body so desperately needed.

The day of the attack, I left Enzo in charge of looking after Mell while I went to my pack hospital to check on Kash's injuries.

Between Mathias and Malachi's expertise, they'd taken care of him perfectly. Kash had some scars seeing how deep Mell had pierced his neck but luckily it was nothing fatal or too damaging that it would prevent him from running his pack.

His mate, Noah wanted my neck as well Mell's when I allowed him onto my lands to visit Kash in the hospital but Kash was quick to calm him down and explain the situation. . . Thank Goddess because I would've hated to defend myself against a raging, hormonal, heavily pregnant Omega.

Nope no thanks. . . Those little spitfires are like danger on legs when they're pregnant and I didn't want any parts of that.


Once I'd gotten everything situated with Kash and Mathias and Malachi gave him the all clear to go home and back to his pack, I had Bryce give him a ride to his territory, so that I could make my way down to the cells.

It's been two weeks since ordering Aurora and her bestfriend, Harlow who I found out was the one to advise her to shift during training - to serve their punishments out in the cells for attacking Mell and so today marked the day that they would be released.

And it couldn't have come sooner because unfortunately I'd gotten some pretty disturbing and confusing news while they've been down here that I really needed to take care of.

"Back so soon, Alpha?" One of the border patrol guards, Bray asks and I frown, obviously confused.

"What are you talking about, Bray? This is my first time down here since ordering you and Ryker to lock the girls away." Unfortunately my explanation confused him as well.

"I could have sworn you were just in here like an hour ago." He scratches the back of his head and I look to Ryker who looks just as confused.

Turning my attention back to Bray, I pat him on the shoulder. "Bray, go take a break. I think all that caffeine is getting to your head."

My instruction was gentle as I didn't want to negatively affect whatever fragile mindset he was in after not getting much sleep himself with dealing with border patrol, cell patrol and newborn twin pups.

Watching him nod and agree quickly, then make his way out the door that led to the cells, I grab the keys from his hand and gesture for Ryker to lead the way.

Taking our time in walking down the hallway lined with cells, my nose scrunches up at the slight smell of burnt toast, the scent completely foreign to me but here nonetheless.

My frown deepens and Gemini pushes forward as the scent grows stronger the further we walk down the hall of cells. Ryker noticing it as well, looks back at me and growls.

Realizing someone else must have been down here that I couldn't sense, we pick up our pace and as we turn the corner, ready to attack, the scent disappears as if nothing had been there in the first place.

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