Pillars of My Life

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It was Saturday, the day of the party. Let's just say I was unsure of what the future held for me. Dior and I decided to have a heart-to-heart conversation. I sat down on the bed right beside her, she looked deep into my eyes and said,

"So... I woke up last night and realised that you and Adrian were gone. Girl, I know you like him, you didn't think you could get it past me, did you?". I thought about lying at first because I knew she would haunt me with it for the rest of my life but what's the use? I never really could get anything past her.

"We were having a normal conversation and just discovering more about ourselves", I answered with a shrug, trying to sell the story of it not being a big deal. I can't fully explain the feelings I had for Adrian. Honestly, it was exhilarating and liberating. It was like, with him, I could do anything, and nothing was impossible. It was the freaking most amazing feeling, and I wish it would never end. She pondered on my answer for a bit, gave me her suspicious eyes, and asked me,

"Elisabelle Aurora Phillips, do you like Adrian?"

"Didn't you just say you knew I liked him?"

"Yeah Yeah, those are just theories, I need to hear you say it by yourself." I thought about my answer for a while, then answered in all honesty,

"Yes, actually I've liked him for quite a while now." The shocked expression on her face was priceless lol

"OMG, I would never had known, I don't even know what to say."

"Do you have to say anything?" I rolled my eyes at her as a signal to change the topic.

A moment of silence passed, she let out a sigh, followed by a cute smile, then she puts her arms around me and says,

"I miss this, it's been a long time since we had our sisterly talk, I guess you're not that young anymore, baby girl."

"I hate when you act like you're like 10 years older than me when we're basically almost twins." I rebelled.

"Says the person who called me an old lady like two days ago."

She rolled her eyes at me and continued,

"Is there any other thing you need to fill me in on?" she continued, obviously enjoying our catch-up session.

"Well, did you notice that mom didn't come home last night? I was up till like 2am and no sight of her.", I burst out.

"Maybe, she went for another impromptu business trip or something, I really don't even know anymore, Belle."

"It's okay, I'm sure that's it"

Then I shared an awesome bonding experience with my sister; she put her arms around me, and I rested my head on her shoulders and we both looked at her room wall. There was nothing special about the wall; the whole room was painted purple with designs of stars everywhere on the wall. But I didn't really care about the wall or how it was my dad's idea to design her room that way, or how much I sincerely miss him but cover it all with hatred for him. No!!! that wasn't of importance at the moment, I only cared about the fact that my sister was right next to me, and she was my only family that would be with me through all of my struggles; so, I just forgot about all that, and focused on my sister and how much the love I had for her was incomparable to anything else. My life was like a house with three pillars, one was dad, it crumbled, the other was mom, it collapsed, and my sister was my only pillar left and I could not lose her. I know that she had so many other things she could do instead of hanging out with her corky sister, but she still decided to spend time with me, and I love her so much for her selflessness.

The day bled into nightfalland it was time to go for the party. Before I could take another step, Diaz andthe crew were already at my doorstep. Dior came out the door and said, "Comeon, we HAVE to take a picture to remember this moment", she brought out heriPhone 15, and we all took a selfie together. We then made our way to the car,and in the blink of an eye, we zoomed off. We finally reached the venue of the party; it was a modern-architecture type of house; it was cool on the outside, but I was really interested in seeing what was on the inside. We entered and the first thing I saw was the disco lights, the smell of alcohol hit my nose hard, and I think a bit of weed too, the music was so loud that I couldn't even hear my own words come out of my mouth. The place was a bit too noisy for me, so I escaped to catch some fresh air. I explored all the way to the balcony where I rested on the rails catching a glimpse of the night sky. Memories of my night with Adrian came to my mind once again, and I couldn't stop thinking about him. The sensations I felt! I wish I could feel that once more. I can't help it; I really really like this boy. I heard noises, like someone trying to open the door, then I looked back, and it was him. It was Adrian. Chills were immediately sent down my whole body, it was like I couldn't control myself anymore lol. But I tried my very best to comport myself. Don't get too worried, I won't do anything stupid. 

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