"Makes No Sense."

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Life is simply a roller coaster ride. Sometimes you're up and sometimes you're down. The only thing you can change is how you react 

 ~Christine Reginald-Ukwuoma

It's funny how I didn't say anything throughout the conversation. This was probably because I was dumbfounded. Mary Anne was someone who hardly believed in anything controlling her life, and to think that she would talk to me about God, is something to be taken seriously. Then Dior and Mary Anne hugged once again as the tears escaped from both of their eyes.

You know what? After watching such a touching moment, I realized something. Mary Anne and Dior were possibly the two nicest and most generous people I have ever been pleased to meet, and what are their fates? Mary Anne had a father who constantly molested her physically and mentally, her mother left her for dead like she was a sheep for the slaughter, and she ended up attempting to commit suicide but died on the hospital bed. Well, that's an interesting thing to write on an epitaph, and Dior has been in a coma for so long that an entire year was taken out of her life. This leads me to my conclusion that God doesn't exist. He just can't!! If He did, then it wouldn't look so good that a supremely good and all-powerful God exists and there is still so much evil in the world. God is just an explanation for things that people can't explain. They say God created the heavens and the earth and everything beyond it. But if that's true, then who created God himself? How come innocent people die daily? How come babies that have no say in their lives are born with various diseases? It's just not fair and it doesn't make sense. God cannot possibly exist. All He is is a moral compass for people. A reason for people to be moral in life. People believe that when you believe in God, all your problems are solved. Hence, they believe in God. Sorry to say, but it's all BULLSHIT!!!

The last thing I remember, I was in a paramedic van on my way to the hospital. But I woke up in an old cabin by the lake. I was laying on the couch until I was awakened by the sweet smell of her lemon and ginger tea. How much I've missed that smell. I sat on the couch and watched as my grandmother who had been dead for over ten years danced to a song that was probably so old that its lyrics and tune had been lost in the sands of time. When she turned and saw that I was awake she said, "Oh baby, you're finally awake, you took a pretty hard fall, you know."

"Am I dead?", I said trying to make sense of it all

"Me, of course I'm dead darling, but you're the farthest thing from it. You're just resting until you've got your mind in the right state."

"What do you mean 'mind in the right state'?"

"When you realized that Mary Anne, your friend died, your mind was pretty messed up, but don't worry we're here to fix you up."

"Are you talking in metaphors, 'cause I feel great and ready to go."

"Uh-uh, no you don't!"

"Why am I here? Why am I looking at my grandma who has been dead for a complete decade and drinking her famous lemon tea."

"Honey, I don't fully know why you're here but we'll find out together, but if the lemon tea's bothering ya, I'm more than happy to lift the burden. I could help myself with another cup, you know."

"I like the lemon tea, thank you very much, but I do wanna go back, I mean what if Dior's awake by now, I wanna go see her."

" Hold your horses baby girl, one thing at a time. That this whole obsession over your sister is just a defense mechanism. I think you're trying to distract yourself from what is going on in your head, maybe that's why you're here."

"I got it, ma!!... Your so-called God is trying to punish me for all the mean things I said about Him, right? That's probably why I'm here."

"Oof, I think we should go out for some fresh air, your brain could use the oxygen."

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