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"Misunderstandings lead to disagreements; disagreements lead to arguments which turn into something far deeper. It all started from a simple misunderstanding."

- Christine Reginald-Ukwuoma

The truth of it all was, I didn't even understand the basis of the argument between my Mum and I. The thing is, she was trying to convince me to talk to Dad when I didn't want to, but her actions still pushed me to come to the hospital where I eventually talked to him. What was the argument about, honestly? I just had this urge to get away from her for a reason unknown to me, I guess I was still mad at her for some reason. Either way, I didn't want to see her face, but how could I tell all this to my dad? His worried look was starting to freak me out lol.

"Uhh... it's nothing dad, I just had this hangout planned with some friends, that's all, I'll be back before you know it.", I lied to calm the situation lol.

"Okay kiddo, are you sure there's nothing funny going on between you and your mom?", he asked with his concern leaking out of his eyes.

"Nah, we're good", I lied again.

"Well, should I drop you off somewhere? I'd feel weird if I left you out here alone.",

"Come on Dad, I'm not five and this is not a chapter in 'The Shack', I'll be just fine," I said this with a smile to comfort him. Suddenly, he put on strict dad pants and said,

"Well, I'm not leaving until I see your ride outta here." After saying this, he rested on his car, crossed his arms and legs, and got his determined face on.

"Manuel, she's a teenager, allow her to be free, will you?", Theodora said, and I know she was just trying to get in my good books lol.

"Yeah Dad, Theodora's right, I won't go missing, I promise", I rolled my eyes jokingly.

He stayed quiet for a moment before he said,

"How could I possibly say no to two of my favourite women in the world? You know what? We have that church thing to go to even, we better start heading."

"Yeah, you better start heading for your church thing, right?", I echoed with a gleaming smile.

After taking a long pause, he breathed out, "Okay but I'm still driving you to wherever you're going to and then I'll go to church."

I forgot that Dior got the competitive genes from Dad, he was never one to lose an argument lol.

"Okay okay, geez!", I walked to the back of the car and quietly sat down; I looked so innocent lol. I saw Theodora giving him the 'you shouldn't have done that' look, and I waited to see what happened. He then said out loud,

"Come on, I can't just leave her out here all alone.",

"It's one o'clock in the afternoon, what's the worst that could happen?", she replied with full confidence. He then smiled at her and said,

"You're right like you always are", then he rolled his eyes and turned in my direction. The funny part of it all was that they had no clue that I heard every single word of their conversation lol, but I still acted like I didn't. My dad then asked me if I still wanted him to drive me to my destination,

"Nope", I replied without thinking

"Well, then what do you want to do?"

"I just want to call a friend and he will take me to where I wanna go, what's wrong with that?"

"Okay okay... do whatever you want. Gosh! Teenagers of today." He said as he walked away, Theodora waved goodbye and I responded with a short smile.

Next on the agenda was to call Diaz (my only friend who owned a car lol) to come pick me up. I dialed his phone number, and he came almost immediately. Honk Honk... I heard the car horn, and I turned in its direction to see a waving Diaz in the driver's seat. He jumped down and jogged to me,

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