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I was in my room deep into my thoughts, looking out the glass windows and reliving the moments of the accident repeatedly, discovering new things that I could have done, but didn't. My mom walks into the room and sits next to me.

"You know, it won't help if you overthink it." She said as she held my hand.

Like a balloon at its saturation point, I burst out,

"Mom, it doesn't help at all the way that you show up and act as if everything is ok; like you didn't just vanish from Dior's and my life for the past months, if not years." She could hear the anger and sadness mixed in my voice.

"I know how it looks, but I've always loved you and your sister. You guys are my whole world. I didn't realize that I was drifting away from the two most important people in my life. I just wanted you guys to have the same privileges as a person with both parents. I wanted to give you guys a better lifestyle even, I just got too occupied with doing that, and I lost focus on what was important. I'm sorry for not being there for you guys, I'm here now, you can fall apart, I'll pick up your pieces."

She looked at me trying to hold back her tears,

"When I think of what would have happened to the two of you. If anything worse had happened to you guys, I don't know how I could live with myself again..."

She was interrupted by her tears. Come on, she's my mum, I can't hold anything against her, can I? Words can't even express how much I love her. Once again, the tears uncontrollably ran down my cheeks, and she put her hands over my shoulders; we shared a mother-daughter moment of silence from then till the next morning. Waking up next to my mom made me happy, I felt like another pillar of my life was rebuilding itself. We were eating breakfast, French toast, an omelette, and orange juice to be precise. The interior designer of our dining room deserves an award. The wallpaper displayed an undersea theme with pearls and diamonds bulging out of the wall for beautification. The famous Monalisa by Leonardo Davinci... a copy of it though but still extremely expensive stood in the middle of all the decorations. Then a long glass table was in the middle of the room. It was circular surrounded by blue expensive-looking chairs. I guess when you combine the income of a CEO of the Phillips Conglomerate that has nothing less than 30 percent of shares in top companies like Apple Inc. and Alphabet Inc. worldwide with the income of a senior project engineering manager in the Apple company, you begin counting in billions lol. I mean, the dining room was nothing but an empty shack compared to our living room. Then my mom brought up this topic,

"Baby, whenever you feel ready to go to school, just let me know, okay?".

"I feel fine now," I replied with a shrug.

"Well, I just thought you would need some time to get yourself back, but if you think you're up for it, do what you wanna." She answered.

I shared, "I just need something to distract me from everything that's happening." And an emphasis on EVERYTHING.

"It's okay, I understand, when do you want to resume?", she asked trying to establish eye contact with me.

"Today would be good!" I said, gradually bringing back the happiness in my tone of voice.

"Well, then you better start getting ready!" She shouted in a good way.

I rushed my food, got in the bathroom, and started getting ready for school. I finished preparing and was about to yell, "Dior, I'm ready, hurry up!" then I remembered... No!!! I'm not gonna let this ruin my day! I brought out my iPhone from my pocket to call Diaz for a ride, he also had a car. I could've used the Ferrari, but I was not in the right state of mind to drive even a bicycle. Diaz came to my rescue, I mean, who wouldn't? I was just in a freaking accident.

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