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"God did as he promised. How many people have lost people dear to them, I want to use this story to reach out to them. I know what it means to lose somebody. I mean I lost my best friend Kimberley and I never saw her again. Then I lost a very close friend of mine, Mary Anne, all while almost losing my best friend in the world, Dior. Don't forget, the most important lesson to learn is, GOD DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE, so stop trying to ask yourself why things are happening to you, but just accept it. God loves you and he doesn't need a reason to. I cannot begin to understand why God loves me after all the hurtful things I said about Him. But He doesn't have a reason to, He just loves me for me, and that's how the world works, things don't need a reason to happen, they just do but God knows whatever you are going through, even if you are not aware that he is. You just need to reach out to him, his arms are always wide open to receive you."

When I dropped the microphone to indicate that I was done taking, a roaring applause accompanied by a standing ovation by the audience followed. That day, I had spoken in front of not less than five million people. I have made it my purpose to share my story of what God had done for me with millions of people. People needed to hear my story and be aware of what God has done for me, and that He can do much much more for them. I started with my school audience, then church, then church conferences. Now I am speaking at the Association Of Global Christians Conference with an average attendance of Seventy million people annually. But I didn't care how many people were in the audience because I was only interested in three of them. My husband whom I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with, sitting in the front row with the widest grin on his face. You might remember him, he goes by the name Diaz Santiago. On both sides were two roaring and jumping five-year-olds. They were our daughters, Diane and Aurora. Diane and Aurora were two people that signified a turning point in my life, it was after Diane's (Mary Anne) death that my eyes were opened as to who God truly is. This was all made clear to me by my loving grandmother, Aurora who told me the words that I will never forget in my life, 'God doesn't make sense'.Maybe this was the plan God had for me after all, everything that he lets happen, happens for a reason. Now I am using my story to impact countless lives. If you are part of the people reading this, God is waiting to hear from you. I learned through my story that some things are not meant to be explained because they have no explanation. But it was when I began to believe in God, and believe that he was in it only for my best interests, then I realized that I didn't need to waste my time trying to make sense of anything. It doesn't make sense, so instead of trying to make sense of it by asking why a particular thing is happening, accept that it has happened and believe in who is in control.

God is one of those unexplainable things, so if you try to explain him like I did, well you're in for one heck of a roller coaster ride.

And we all lived happily ever after? If only those existed.

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