Her Journey Begins

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That sensation came to me once again. The chills ran through my body ten times more than normal, and all my senses were uncontrollable. Slowly and slowly, the forces of our attractions pulled each other closer. I felt his lips slightly brush over mine, I couldn't wait for the moment to reach. That moment I had been wishing for. Our breaths synchronized, and our heartbeats followed suit. Suddenly, it happened. There was nothing like it, trust me! I felt on top of the moon and as weightless as a bird. It was like the whole world hit a pause button just for that moment. Still kissing, he held my tiny face in his arms, as I wrapped my arms around him. I never wanted the moment to end...

Some Days Earlier...

Krrrrr... the bell rang, and I found myself back in reality. I was more of a loner, I mean since my best friend Kim moved to another town, it became harder to associate with new people. I trudged to my last class of the day and could only hope that the time would fly like the birds in the sky. 

After a long and hard battle with sleep during classes, the school day came to an end and I hurried to the bench in front of my school waiting for my sister. She's the one that normally drives us home.

My sister's name is Dior, cool right? I know. She was obviously popular with her curly hair, bright smile, and brown eyes. To me, she was like the definition of perfect, the way she walked, talked, and everything was just beautiful but I'm never telling her that lol. She came out with her usual number of friends, including my dream boy, Adrian, and I comported myself like the normal teenager who would want to get noticed by the boy they liked, and obviously, the boy never notices. I watch like a pervert as she tells them goodbye and heads in my direction.

"Come on", she says with her bright smile as she heads for the car. It was a white Tesla, one of the few things left for us after our parents divorced. We lived with our mom who was always busy, she was the CEO of The Phillips Conglomerate aka Phil Corp., that's what I like to call it. My sister tells me that she thinks Phil Corp. was responsible for my parent's divorce and from what I understood from the divorce, our dad was jealous of our mom because she was more successful than he was and he couldn't handle it I guess, I loved my dad so much and yes I said love in a past tense because when he got into his car and drove off despite Dior and I by his window crying our eyes out, I guess the love died afterward. Dior got in, I got in and we drove off into the horizon lol. 

"Hey Belle", she said with an evil smile, because she knows full well that I hate people calling me that. Let me let you in on a little story. My name is Elisabelle, but I prefer people calling me Elisa because Belle means beautiful and it's all just too corky for my liking lol. My sister always tells me I'm beautiful but come on, she's my big sister. I shot back,

"Hello DeeDee", with a gleaming smile, knowing she hates being called that, she says it makes her feel nine all over again (whatever that means). She rolls her eyes and asks me how school was.

"It was so fun, I made lotsof friends"

"Would you quit being sarcastic? You're an amazing girl and I want others to see that in you too." There she goes again with her big sister's love nonsense. I kept my comments to myself and looked out the window.

"You can't hide away from your problems, Belle. I know that you haven't really talked to anyone since Kim moved."

"Can we just drive home?" I asked with the highest level of annoyance in my voice.

"Nope, I'm ready for you, Elisabelle Phillips. We're going to a party on Saturday and you're coming".

"I'll look like a dwarf there. Sorry old lady but you're forgetting that you are older than me..."

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