Chapter Four

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"Change is always going to come to us at one point or the other in our lives, it's what we do about it that matters."

~Dior Andreanna Phillips

Hours turned into days, days changed to weeks, and weeks to months. The accident was 7 months ago, and Dior was still in a coma. Things had changed though, somehow Dior's condition brought our father back. He came to see his daughter who was in a coma, I guess all his sense of humanity wasn't lost, only an atom remained. Funny how I called him on the day of the accident and he comes to see us seven full months after the accident. I mean, if he isn't Father of the Year, I don't know who is. His arrival brought tears to my mom's eyes and I hated seeing her like that. Guess what? He got remarried! I didn't care who the lady was, all I could see was a man who was dumb enough to think our family wasn't good enough for him and he went on to get another one.

He tried to hug me when he came but you know me, I pushed him away and ran upstairs. My mom and Dior were the ones to keep fake faces in this family, not me. My mom smiled and told him congratulations; she even hugged his wife!! I gotta admit it, the woman's got balls. They rented an elite penthouse close by, so they could be closer to Dior. I mean, he is an idiot and a fool, but he still cares about his family, I'm not even sure if we could be called his family anymore, but I saw his face when he saw Dior, he cared, he held her hand and kissed her forehead; he whispered,

"You're gonna be just fine" to her, and then stood up and walked away.

Anyway, that was his business though, if he cared, he would have stayed. If he cared, when that same Dior stayed by the window of his car crying and begging him not to move away, he would have listened. If he cared, he would have shown it instead of going off to create his own better and fresher family. I went back to my house and straight to the roof. The roof was sort of my 'get away from the world' place. My dad came there to have a "talk" with me. Being my stubborn self, I stood up to walk away but he begged me to just hear him out and I'll admit, he did appeal to my conscience so I sat down to listen to him.

He started, "I know you think I'm a monster..."

"You got that right!", I interrupted with enough sass to fill a building, he continued,

"I'm not trying to justify what I did; I know it was wrong to leave you guys alone without a dad and I'm sorry. I'm sorry Elisa. I missed you guys so much. What I did tore me apart, I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror..."

"Then why didn't you just come back?", I cut in once again.

He went on, again,

"I thought about that... countless times, but the thing is, I had already made my choice. Firstly, I thought you all would be better off without me. But then, I realized that your mum and I weren't just meant to be..."

"...Okay, I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore", I stood up and walked away.

"RORY, I FELT LIKE AN OUTSIDER!" He shouted to get back my attention. I raised my voice as well,

"DO NOT CALL ME THAT!" a teardrop escaped from my left eye,

"Do you know how many nights I cried to myself and asked myself why we weren't good enough for you? For your information, Mum buried herself in her work! Yeah, we lost her too and it was just Dior and I. And there you were, thinking we were better off without you. We needed a dad and you let your ego get in the way of your daughters, of your family. And you come up here with your fancy new wife and you don't expect me to think that you're trying to replace us, you don't expect me to think that we're that replaceable. Well, that's your business because if you think you can replace us with that pathetic excuse of a woman, I guess you're dumber than I thought. Have fun, no really, I hope you feel good about yourself now. Oh yeah and thank you, thank you very much for ruining my night for me!"

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