mitsuri and Iguro try to train kanao/Shinobu and tomioka fight doma

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Kanao patting her two Nekomata and then mitsuri came and said we will start training you and kanao don't leave and fellow mitsuri and then Iguro came and said you are going to be training with the both of us and kanao gets up and mitsuri said fellow me and they went to a. Big room and mitsuri said kanao you can start and kanao bent her knees and started running towards them both and mitsuria and Iguro started getting into fighting stance but then kanao disappeared and then landed on mitsuri back and then landed on the floor then kicked mitsuri in the side of her stomach and when Iguro try to attack kanao she jumps up high and twist herself and then put her leg up and hit Iguro in the head and then backflips and hitting mitsuri in the face then when mitsuri and Iguro got up they try to use their breathing technique and kanao drop her wooden sword and Iguro smile and said that was stupid to do but kanao had knee him in the stomach and chop mitsuri neck and then mitsuri got up and try to attack but kanao front flip and her leg hits Mitsuri in the head and face which she landed on the floor and kanao jumps up and landed on the other side of the wall and then push herself off the wall and landed on the floor but ran toward Iguro and punch him in the stomach which send him flying into mitsuri and Kanao then ran toward them and jumped up and then wisper said demon total concentration breathing constant and it made her eyes bright pink and purple and then kanao twisted her whole body and landed on mitsuri back and her right leg on Iguro head and kanao had kicked their swords out of the room and kanao came running and mitsuri decided to fits fight with kanao but that was worse because kanao was so fast that kanao had injerd mitsuri badly and then kanao grab Iguro arm and spind and let go and then knee Iguro in the face and then kanao was sitting on the floor and mitsuri got up and walk over to Kanao and said how are you this powerfull and kanao said nothing and when Iguro came he looked like he was just fighting a upper moon and it was the same for mitsuri and the other Hashira was shocked when they looked at them and kanao was left in the training room and kanao got up and walk to the flower garden and sat on the porch and when the other Hashira ask what happened to them mitsuri said we were training a girl that we found at the entrance of the love mansion so I decided to make her my Tsuguko but what I didn't know was kanao Tsuyuri was a strong girl and the Hashira said she can't be that strong and Iguro said she is strong and that is why we are looking like this right now and sanmei said how strong can she be I bet I can beat her and mitsuri said I don't think you will beat her if we can't then you can and after that mitsuri has taken kanao to the Hashira meetings and sanmei always touted kanao and when nothing work sanmei got up and went to kanao and said hey girl I want to fight you to the death and kanao dose not move or say anything and that got sanmei more angry and when he was about to hit the girl kanao jumps up faster then sanmei could hit her and kanao spin in the air and landed on sanmei back which caused him to fall then kanao started spinning and her hair turned pink and red and kanao jumps up and wisper said shadow blossom breathing 21th form blossom wind and that sends sanmei into the air and then kanao kicked sanmei in the side and he landed on the ground and sanmei said wow you are not so bad and said wind breathing and Kanao jumps up and kicked the breathing technique right back at Sanemi which hie barely doge and kanao landed on the ground and sat down and sanmei thought this was kanao mistake and said you will be badly injured girl and this ends this and send his breathing technique at kanao but kanao jumps out of the way and kanao drops her sword and got into a fighting stance and sanmei smark and said you don't just drop your sword in a middle of a fight and said wind breathing 8th form and kanao hit her but she sends it right back at sanmei with her hands and sanmei step t of the way but the breathing came back and hit sanmei in the back and it knocked sanmei out cold which shocked the rest of the Hashira and the master and the master said mitsuri and Iguro who is the girl and Iguro said we don't know who she is or where she came from but me and mitsuri found her at the entrance of the love mansion and kanao was sitting on the ground and the mater said girl what is your name and kanao doesn't answer and the mater said dise she not speak and mitsuri nods and said her name is kanao Tsuyuri and the mater said will kanao Tsuyuri you will become a Hashira if a Hashira is killed and the meeting was over and mitsuri grab kanao hand and went to the love mansion and kanao walk to the flower and blossom trees

Minwhille with Shinobu and tomioka
Tomioka said you go fight Upper moon 2 while I stay here and when you get your head cut off then I join and Shinobu nods and said don't worry I can use a blood demon art that let's me create any weapons and they will have the new poison that I created and tomioka kiss Shinobu lips and she disappeared and appeared in the town where the paradise Cult was and Shinobu was in her human form and walk inside and found doma alone and she said well well well what do we have here if it isn't the upper moon 2 doma and doma said wow a pretty girl like you do here and Shinobu claps her hands and they both get teleport to the same room and doma said oh that doesn't do anything and Shinobu ran toward doma and stabs doma in the eye and then cuts off his left arm and doma said wow you are skilled Shinobu but not able to cut off my head and Shinobu said I don't care if I don't cut off your head because you will die from a special poison that I created and then Shinobu started cutting off doma neck and leg and arm and doma said wow you really think you can kill me Shinobu you will die and Shinobu said I sure just tell you now or later and doma said blood demon art ice and it freeze Shinobu but she easily gets out and stab doma in the stomach and wisper said blood demon art obi silk and Shinobu jumped up and moved her hands then a obi came and attack Doma while doma was distracted Shinobu was stabing doma in the neck and cut off both legs and cut half of doma face then the obi stab doma in the stomach and started wrapping around doma stomach and arms and then Shinobu moves her arms and a sword and knifes came and stab doma 36 times but doma got free from the obi and grab Shinobu neck and try to choke her and then doma use his fans to kill Shinobu and cuts off Shinobu left and right arms and eat them and was about to eat the rest of her but she do disappeared and doma said where did she go and then tomioka appeared and said somewhere safe and started attacking doma and doma was surprise that tomioka kept up with him and sometimes would get stab by tomioka or get his head cut off like 68 times and doma has cut off tomioka arms and legs but they Regeneration and doma was surprise and shock and that tomioka had Regeneration his lost body parts then got stunp on the back by Shinobu and said have you figured it out yet and doma said that you two can
Regenerat-Shinobu smark at this and said oh the poison works on you upper moons and doma had purple all over his face and had one of his eyes had pop out and was haging and Shinobu said I mix wisteria poison and my blood and other bloods from demons and both of them attack Doma and they killed doma with the help with the poison and Shinobu said we should head back to the Infinity fortess and reported to the master and they went back to the Infinity fortess and wrote a note to master Tanjiro and Shinobu went back to the lab and try to make the same poison that help them kill doma and try to make it more powerful for killing

Minwhille with upper night 9 senjuro
Senjuro had received a letter from mater Tanjiro at the same time that Shinobu and tomioka got their and senjuro reads the letter and smile and Naho,sumi, kiyo walk in the room that senjuro was in and they sow senjuro smiling and said what are you smiling for and senjuro said we are order to kill upper moon 3 akaza and they smile just like senjuro and senjuro said I will stay here while you three fight with akaza and the three girls changed into the dress that they ware and disappeared and appeared in the real world and they turned into a human and they started trying to find akaza

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