Chapter 7: Perfect

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"When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful,I don't deserve thisDarling, you look perfect tonight"

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"When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful,
I don't deserve this
Darling, you look perfect tonight"

WHEN THE FIVE OF US ARRIVED HOME OUR dad told us to go sit in the living room and wait.

Mom took Charlotte to bed and then came down to talk to us.

"So what exactly happened?" My dad asks with his hands on his hips.

"The Pogues sunk Topper's boat." Landon admits.

"What?!" My dad shouts looking at me.

"Shh, Charlotte is asleep." My mom soothes putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Ok look I didn't know that until a few hours ago." I defend myself.

"So the Pogues sink a boat and you burn my screen down, is that it?" My dad says more anger growing in his voice.

"Topper and Rafe literally almost killed Pope and JJ, if they did kill them there that would be blood on your hands." I point at my dad.

"They weren't going to kill anyone." Landon defends the boys.

"Which is why I said almost killed." I turn to Landon.

"Well there is blood on my hands from the screen you burnt to the ground." My dad crosses his arms.

"Oh whatever like you can't just go buy a new one." I snap back.

"Watch your tone." My dad points at me.

"Guys let's stop this, we have to walk out with the Cameron's tomorrow at Midsummers, do we really want to stand next to them on bad terms?" My mom asks.

"No." I answer lowly.

"No ma'am." Landon shakes his head.

"Now both of you apologize to each other like you mean it." The older woman demands.

"I'm sorry Landon." I apologize.

"Yeah me too, sis." Landon apologizes and we hug.

"No tomorrow, you're going to apologize for hurting the Pogues." My mom demands Landon.

"Yes ma'am." Landon nods his head.

"Now both of you, go get some rest me, and your father need to talk." My mom looks at the older man.

"Ok." Me and Landon say syncing and we head our separate ways to our rooms.

When I get in my room I take in a deep breath and shortly after I let it out.

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