Rumpelstiltskin x Reader

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AN: I write Mr. Gold better than Rumpel, so this is probably an awful story. I just wanted to try my hand at it.

"Where the hell am I?" I grumbled as I walked around. I went to sleep in my bed after reading a book for a while, and had a terrible nightmare. Then I woke up in some bloody forest! My feet were...shoed for some reason. I didn't go to bed in shoes...I think.

You know what, I just decided not to question it for too long. It was clearly a blessing, so I'm just going to roll with it.

"This is some serious..." I muttered, trailing off.

"Some serious, what, dearie?" A voice questioned.

I jumped. "That's not creepy at all...though would it be surprising if I was beginning to hear voices in my head?" I asked. I stopped walking as I pondered it, choosing to ignore the chuckle I heard. "No. It would not. So, am I going to hallucinate too?"

"Afraid so." With that, a weird, scaly, gold, brunette man appeared.

My eyes widened, and, for the second time I muttered; "That's not creepy at all. Okay, Mr. Scales...I'm curious as to who you are."

"My name is Rumpelstiltskin my dear." The scaly man said with a bow, rolling the "r" in his name.

My eyes widened. "Oh my Ra, have you not made a deal with the miller's daughter yet? Did you try to take her baby? I thought you exploded or something. I am so confused. You're gonna die, you know." I babbled excessively before I shut up, realizing that it probably wasn't a good idea to tell somebody their story.

"Where did you hear that nonsense?" Rumpelstiltskin asked, sounding both amused, annoyed, and slightly threatening all at the same time. How is that even possible?

"Um...I kinda read a book...back home...before I woke up know what? I'm just going to leave." With that, I walked past him and started to walk away.

"What. Book." He demanded icily.

I turned around, not intimidated as I discovered this had to be a dream. I raised an eyebrow as I replied. "Grimm's Fairy Tales. Now then, I'm going to ride out this...strangely clear dream and just...roll with it."

"You think that this is a dream?" Rumpel appeared in front of me again. I yelped and jumped back. He chuckled.

"Not creepy at all...look buddy. I just want to wake up and be back in my bed. Okay? I'm not in the mood to talk to a creepy...I won't say thing, because you are clearly a person...guy. Yeah. Guy." With that, I began babbling again, which amused Rumpel to no end.

Then I blushed as I realized what I was doing. "Sorry."

"It's alright dearie. Where are you from, with such...strange attire." Rumpel asked, glancing down at me. I looked down. I wasn't wearing anything unusual, just...jeans and a T-Shirt.

"Um...(country)." I raised an eyebrow at him. "Where am I?" 

"The Enchanted Forest." Came his reply.

My eyes widened. "Oh god...this isn't a dream, is it?"

"Of course not, dearie!" Rumpel said happily.

I put my hand on my forehead and groaned. "How am I going to get home?"

"The question isn't how, it's do you really want to?" He questioned, giving a strange little cackle.

I chuckled, unable to resist repeating something I had been saying. "That's not creepy at all." His question took me a moment to answer, though. "Of course I want to go home...where else would I go? This place is so...strange."

"You have other options, dearie." Rumpel responded.

I raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"

"Well, you could stay here as my apprentice." He offered.

I, feeling rather daring, cackled at him. To mock him a bit...which clearly irritated him. "Apprentice or slave, Rumpel?"

His eyes narrowed slightly. "A bit of both."

"Thought so...though why I asked that question when I could have asked a million others, thousands of times more relevant than that one I will never know. Man, I'm bored. Do you have any cookies? No, I don't think you have I talking? Yes. Yes I am." I paused and he stared at me, a bit confused. "Okay, question. Apprentice," I frowned. "What word would I use for that? Anyway, what would I be long as I have the right definition of apprentice. I might. Or maybe I don't. I feel stupid now. Why do I feel stupid? I could be right! Am I right?"

He stared at me before flashing me another one of his creepy little grins. "You're an eccentric one, aren't you? I would teach you how to tap into that magical potential you possess."

My eyes widened with my insane grin. "Oh my Ra, I have magic?! I freaking knew it! So, if I throw my hands in the air can I make shiny things appear? I love shiny things. Shiny things rule! Can I make cookies? I love cookies. I can't make cookies..." I shuddered as I recalled my last attempt to make them.

"I would say you're taking this rather well, but I'm not entirely certain." Then, he smirked again. "Of course, it comes at a price."

"If you say I have to give you my cookies, I will bite you." I interrupted.

Rumpel looked at me strangely before he continued. "I would merely require favors over time."

"Oh my god, you're asking for an I.O.U. MORIARTY!" I paused as I calculated the likelihood that this was actually an elaborate hoax planned by another fictional character who feels like irritating me. I shook my head. "Maybe not. You know what? Sure! This is going to be fabulicious! To hell with my family! I never liked those bastards anyway."

"I never asked your name."

"My name is now..."

"Your actual name."

I pouted. "Killjoy. My name is ______. Happy?"

And that was the story of how two very eccentric people began an unlikely relationship. Rumpelstiltskin actually got his idea for the curse from his wife...yes...his wife. Everyday, she says the same thing to him. "You're not creepy at all."

The story of why this seemingly ordinary person from the human world had magical abilities remains yet to be told...or explained by anyone.

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