Loki x Reader

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"Okay, Tony. You're on." I stated with an amused smirk. 

"Alright then. I doubt you can beat that." He responded cockily. We had a bet running that whoever could get Fury the most angry would owe the other a new jet. One that the loser invented. And it had to be awesome, or the loser would never hear the end of it.

The only problem was the fact that the winner would be screwed. Fury is...evil. Unfortunately, I would really have to pull out all the stops for this one

Another issue? Well...Fury may or may not be my dad.

Okay. He is. I am so screwed.



I'm still going to win this. At my own peril.

"Okay...I believe it is my turn now." I stated with a smirk.

Tony snorted. "It's your funeral."

As I walked out of the room, I smirked. "Okay, Loki~ Let's begin." What? You didn't think I was going to play fair, did you?


Loki had set up something absolutely brilliant, using me as bait. Fury is my father, after all.

"Dad!" I exclaimed, glomping my father who barely moved.

"______. How many times have I told you not to bother me when I'm working? And not jump on me at all?" He demanded as I slid off his back.

I smirked at him. "Hey, I'm sorry Dad! Come with me to the tower!"

"No." Fury said flatly, turning away from his daughter who looked very pitiful.

"B-but...daddy! You never want to do anything with me!" Let's kick it up a notch. I thought as tears began to gather in my eyes. "Why don't you just get rid of me, like you always do!" Fury turned around, staring down at me. To anyone else the stare was cold and unfeeling, but I know my father. He looked...apologetic. Score one for ______!

"Alright. I will accompany you to the tower." He stated. On the inside, I was laughing maniacally while rubbing my hands together.

After a bit of...travel we made it to Stark Tower. The ride up to my floor was long, and silent...mostly because I was having conflicting emotions about what I was about to do. 

I then decided to play my part. "So what should we do? Should we watch a movie? Maybe we could watch a Disney movie! Oh, wait, you hate Disney. I think we should bake a cake! But not cookies. I remember last time I tried baking cookies..." I involuntarily shuddered as Fury's lips upturned at the corner's slightly. I attempted to make peanut butter cookies...for Dad...and I must have messed up the recipe somehow. They kind of turned into a weird...baked...soup like substance.

"I remember that incident." Fury stated.

I frowned as the elevator doors opened, revealing a copy of me, tied to a chair.

"Don't trust her, she's not me!" My doppelganger yelled as I stepped out of the elevator, feigning confusion. Oh, this was going to be good.

"W-what are you?" I asked, voice shaking. Fury stepped out threateningly...though I wasn't entirely sure whether he was threatening me or Loki's illusion.

"Don't trust her Father, she's a fake! They're trying to kill you!" The illusion exclaimed, struggling.

Fury's eyes hardened as he drew his gun. "_____ never calls me father." I resisted the urge to smirk as he fired his gun...and a sheet of paper with the word BANG came out. His eye twitched as the illusion smirked and stood as though there had been no bindings on it.

"H-how do I fight a copy of myself?" I whimpered, backing away slightly. I might be overselling this a bit...but my dad has always wanted to protect me, so I could tell this was totally working.

"Oh, is the poor little _____ afraid?" The copy of me mocked me as it slowly shifted into a version of me with grey skin and golden eyes. It began advancing on us.

"Stay behind me." Fury ordered calmly. I smirked from behind him and backed away further from him, nodding at a corner. Suddenly a downpour of fake blood that I had invented fell on my father, and I stifled a laugh as the illusion disappeared. I specifically made that fake blood for pranking...because it doesn't stain.

"Daddy?" I asked as Fury stood there, staring up at the ceiling...twitching.

"______. Did you do this?" He demanded.

I gasped and shook my head. "No! I would never!"

"Trust me, she wouldn't. She refuses to take part in any of my pranks." Loki stated, appearing from the corner I had nodded to.

"Loki, you're on house arrest." Fury stated.

"Wait a minute, the Man of Iron put me up to this!" Loki protested. On the inside, I was laughing maniacally once again. My partner in crime always made sure that somebody else got the blame for my pranks. "He stole my helmet and scepter!" I continued laughing silently, my face showing the classic Fury poker face.

"It...sounds understandable. I think that you should punish Tony. He has been pranking you a lot lately." I stated, glancing at my Dad who twitched before letting out an indistinguishable roar and running off to go find Tony. The only thing I didn't think of...were the cameras on my floor.

Oh wait. I did think of that. I reprogrammed JARVIS a little bit. You see, my intelligence rivals...(*cough* surpasses *cough*) Tony's.

As soon as Fury was far enough away, I busted into hysterical laughter. Loki walked up to me, smirking at me.

"So, love, would you say you've won?" He asked me as he walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I smirked up at him. "Well, it was impossible for me to lose. I have the God of Mischief on my side."

Loki chuckled. "That you do." With that, he leaned down and captured my lips with his own. I automatically melted and wrapped my hands around his neck to deepen the kiss. We had been dating for quite some time now. It all started out as merely a partnership in pranking, but it grew into something more.

In public, we always act like we absolutely despise each other...that started so that nobody would ever suspect us. Now...it's almost like foreplay.

When we pulled apart, Loki leaned our foreheads together, shooting me that devilishly handsome smile that made me blush.

"Stop looking at me like that." I commanded, my blush deepening.

He smirked mischievously. "You dare to command me, mid-guardian?"

"I dare." I replied with a smirk just as obvious as he leaned in and kissed me again. "Now then, why don't we continue this...elsewhere."

Extended Ending

When I saw Tony three days later, I smirked at him and he glared at me.

"What?" He demanded.

I laughed at him, glancing at the piles of work and what-not that my father had given him. "I do believe you owe me a jet."

He scowled at me. "I hate you."

I laughed again. "I know."

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