Mr. Gold x Reader

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"Swan. Emma Swan." The girl who appeared to be checking into Granny's stated. In my mind, so many things were flashing. Memories. Of a past life. My name isn't Alice Gold. My (f/n). I was the apprentice of Rumpelstiltskin and we fell in love.
"You know what I want?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Of course I do, dearie."
I grinned. "Then what is the price?"
"No need to worry about that, dearie. Just sign the dotted line." Rumpelstiltskin said, making a contract appear out of thing air.
I raised an eyebrow at him before I grabbed the contract, reading it. "Really? For you to teach me how to use magic, you Definitely not. Name another price." I stated, looking up at him.
He cackled rather strangely. "No can do, dearie."
I frowned. "All magic has a price, right? Well, we seem to be at an impasse. You can live without teaching me, and I can live without learning. However, if I learn how to use magic, I could be quite the useful asset to you. Or, an adversary. I suppose it would be a bit of a gamble, but I could always seek the Evil Queen out to be my teacher. So long as I prove to be useful, I doubt she'll kill me. I will not accept a deal with you so long as that is the price."
Eventually, we grew into such a state of comfort that we...well, we didn't exactly get married, but we practically were. You see, our relationship was never very physical. Not until we left our world, at least. Apparently, Regina decided that "comfort" meant owning the town and also being married to each other.
On that note, I really hate that bitch.
"Emma. What a lovely name." My husband said.
I looked over at him with a slight smirk. "It is, isn't it?" He glanced over at me with that half smile of his, much different from his previous impish grin.
"Thanks." The blondie replied simply.
Granny reached over the counter with a wad of money. "It's all here."
"Yes, yes, of course it is. Thank you." Mr. Gold said as he took it.
I smiled slightly, or rather as much as I ever did. "I was worried that you wouldn't have it all this month."
"You enjoy your stay. Emma." Mr. Gold said to Emma as we walked out.
"I'm sure we'll be good friends." I told her amiably over my shoulder.
I wanted to hear what they said about us, so I shushed my husband and listened through the door.
"Who were they?" I heard Emma ask.
"Mr and Mrs Gold." Ruby replied. "They own this place."
"The inn?" Emma tried to validate.
"No." Granny said seriously. "The town."
I tried not to snicker as I started to leave. "Things are about to get pretty interesting, aren't they?"
His eyes darted towards me. "What makes you say that?"
I rolled my (e/c) orbs and shrugged. A playful smirk made it's way to my face. "There's never been a stranger in Storybrooke before. It's bound to be interesting."
He chuckled but didn't bother to reply.
I turned my head towards him slightly. "So...can we go mess with Regina?"
"No, Alice." And, shot down.
"Well, aren't you boring." I said with amusement. Then, I scrunched up my nose. "Alice. Curse my mother for giving me that name." Well, it isn't like I could come out and talk about how it was the curse's fault. Alice. How did I end up with that name?
"Mr. and Mrs. Gold. May I have a word?" I heard somebody ask as we came back to our shop. Duh. Regina always hated me...back then. We're sort of friends now.
"Madame Mayor! We haven't spoken in a while. What do you need?" I asked, smiling happily. And more than I usually do...oh well.
"Nothing really, Alice. I just wanted to know if you met Emma." Regina responded.
I furrowed my eyebrows, feigning confusion. "Briefly, while we were collecting rent. Madame Mayor, forgive me for asking, but just who is she?"
"She's Henry's birth mother." She deadpanned.
My eyes widened and I took a step back. "'ll want to talk to my darlinghusband about that. I will see you inside!" With that, I turned to walk into the store.
"Thank you dearie." Gold stated.
I turned my head and flashed him a bright grin over my shoulder.
"Regina! What a pleasant surprise." I said sarcastically from where I was currently lounging.
"I'm not here to see you." She replied shortly.
"Obviously. You're here because you're still too incompetent to do things on your own, so you came for the help of Rumpelstiltskin." I replied, before grinning happily. "Well, not everyone is born with strong magical prowess, are they? Can't exactly say that's your fault!"

"You abandoned me to the wolf." Gold told me as I was dusting.
"Technically I abandoned you to the Evil Queen." I replied, not turning to look at him. "How'd that chat go?"
"Quite well, actually." Gold stated.
I raised an eyebrow, putting down my duster and turning to look at him. "Oh? Do tell." Then, a thought crossed my mind and I shook my head. "Scratch that. It's not important." I then wandered off to go and find something. Gold just shook his head with amusement and started sorting through some things.
I left the shop and returned to our home, deciding to write down all that had happened in my diary. It might seem foolish, but I write things in a pigpen cipher. Only I know the key. Writing in ciphers is something I picked up in this land without magic. I'm not entirely sure when or how, but I did. I've found that time is fuzzy now that I've regained my memories.
It's strange. Being trapped here reminds me of being in that cage. They honestly thought that my magic was linked to his...they were all idiots.
"It's just us, dearie." Rumpel taunted. I smirked slightly. I was in the cage with him, though I could leave. I still had my magic...not that anyone else knew that. Well, no one except Rumpel, of course. But we are exactly where he wants us to be, and I trust him..
"You can show yourself!" He sang out. Honestly, he was such a child.
Regina changed back into herself.
I snorted. "A rat? Why am I not surprised?"
"Says the one caged like a bird." Was her retort.
I clenched my fists and let out a sigh to calm myself.
Let her gloat. Let her believe that I'm really locked up here.
"That curse you gave me. It's not working." She stated.
"Oh, so worried. So, so worried." Rumpel continued to taunt. "Like Snow, and her new husband."
"What?" Regina asked, seemingly confused.
I smiled with a amusement. "Yes, they did seem quite concerned."
"They paid us a visit as well. They were very anxious. About you. And the curse." Rumpel informed her, face very close to the bars.
Regina walked over quickly. "What did you tell them?"
"The truth! That nothing can stop the darkness!" Rumpel said dramatically.
Regina had a smile on her face, so I had to crush it. "Don't look so relieved, your majesty. There's more!" I grinned like a mad woman, so pleased to see the smile drop off her face.
"Except of course their unborn child. You see, no matter how powerful, all curses can be broken. Their child is the key. Of course, the curse has to be enacted first!" He essentially whispered.
"Tell me what I did wrong." She demanded.
I chuckled. "Who are you talking to?" I whispered slightly, happy to see her glare shoot my way.
"For that, there's a price." Rumpel said with a smile.
It seemed Regina was prepared for this. "What do you want?"
"Simple. In this new land, I want comfort. I want a good life." Rumpel began. "For me and (f/n)."
"Fine, you'll have an estate. Be rich." Regina agreed easily.
"I wasn't finished!" He exclaimed. "There's more!"
"There always is with you."
Rumpel gave a slight chuckle that sounded a bit demeaning. "In this new land, should I ever come to you for any reason, you must heed my every request. You must do, what I say. So long as I say please!" He had one of the strangest looks on his face. Although, on him it really wasn't all that strange.
"You realize that if I succeed, you won't remember any of this." Regina asserted. I rolled my eyes but chose to say nothing. Does she honestly believe that he doesn't have a plan?
"Oh, well then. What's the harm?" He asked simply.
"Deal." Regina said triumphantly.
"Did you even think it through?" I asked with a chuckle. "I suppose it was an easy decision for you, wasn't it?"
"Silence her." Regina demanded.
I was at the bars in an instant. "I am not one who takes well to orders, majesty." I stated, before I turned around. "Though, as the situation calls for it, I will try to keep my comments to a minimum."
I smirked. Actually, being in the cage was a lot of fun. As strange as it sounds, it was entertaining to talk to people from behind the bars. Scaring them was so much fun.
They honestly believed that they had the upper hand. If they did, then why were they so unnerved to be in the presence of Rumpel and I?
I closed the book and flopped backwards onto the bed. I stared up at the ceiling, a slightly savage grin slowly forming on my face.
It started off as a chuckle, but it gradually changed into loud, dramatic, joyful laughter.
It's the beginning of the end!

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