Harry x Reader

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I wandered aimlessly around Hogwarts, unable to really see much of anything. Everything was a blur. Sight is a wonderful gift. I thought with a sigh. One that was clearly not awarded to me. It got old pretty quickly, not being able to see anything.

"Ouch." I groaned, running into yet another thing. "That's it. I am done with life. I am so sick-" As I was ranting, I attempted to continue to walk, but the object that I had run into, whatever that was, grabbed my arm. I'm assuming person?

"(F/N)?" The voice asked. I smiled in the general direction that his voice came from.

I'm lost.

"Harry." I said, voice full of relief. "Where am I?"

He turned me towards him. "What's wrong?" He asked.

I frowned at him. "Isn't it obvious?"

"No not really." Harry responded.

Where are they?

"Well it should be." I said with a huff, annoyed. Not so much at him as I was at myself for not being able to find them. Where did they go?

"I'm sorry." Harry didn't really sound all that sorry. Probably being sarcastic.

I turned away from him, letting out a groan. "Why does this always happen to me?"

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong so I can help you?"

Where are my glasses?

I turned back around, facing him once again. "I can't find them." I lamented.

"What can't you find?" Harry asked, seeming to be slightly irritated at my crypticness. 

"I can't find my glasses!" My exclamation was met with silence. "Harry?" I ventured after a moment.

"(F/N)..." He said, sounding a bit confused. I heard his footsteps walk over to me and touch the top of my head. He moved something from my hair, and suddenly I could see again. "They were on your head."

I blinked. "I should've thought of that! I always leave them there." He had the most confused look on his face as he walked away from me. 

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