Gregory House x Reader

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Accept the extreme ooc-ness of House! Deal with it people! XD

 I was walking down the halls, doing my rounds when I came upon the room of...ah, yes, that patient who had given us so much trouble, almost killing a patient who thought that he was able to fly. Gregory House.  Now that he was cooperating, I hadn't heard of him causing any more trouble. I was a doctor with degrees in several different fields, because I graduated from high school at 12, getting a head start. I had an eidetic memory, could read 20,000 words per minute, and had an IQ of 176. I was 48 at this point. I really didn't like working here, but I couldn't find a hospital or clinic to take me. All because of some person I had pissed off.

"Doctor." I heard a voice call from his room. I turned slightly. "I'm bleeding." At those words, I turned further to actually look at him. He wasn't a bad looking man, though he seemed to be a bit older than me. His chest was bleeding. I walked in relatively quickly, but not in any hurry.

"Well, Gregory. You know as well as I do that this is a perfectly harmless, self-inflicted wound you've given yourself in an attempt to gain attention. How old are you?" I asked, glancing up at him from my kneeling position in front of him. My (h/c) hair was in an elegant bun to keep it out of my face.

"You could tell all of that from a glance. Aren't you a psychologist?" He responded, answering my taunt with a question.

I chuckled. "That and many other things. I had a lot of time on my hands over the years, so I have quite a few degrees."

"I'm still bleeding." He brought up.

I blinked at him as I stood. "It'll scab up in a moment." As I turned to leave, he grabbed my wrist.

"Thank you, doctor..."

"(L/N), (F/N) (L/N)." I responded. After which, he nodded and I walked away, writing on my clipboard that I was going to hav

We ended up talking a lot after I had finished my rounds until he was released. He told me that they were hiring on his personal team, and, since I had a degree in the field, he said that he would hire me if I wanted him to. I took him up on that offer, since I didn't like my job.

"If you didn't like working there, why did you? You're over qualified for most jobs." Gregory asked me curiously one day, at least two months after he'd hired me.

"I pissed off some celebrity." I replied simply. "He got mad that I could read him like a book, and told his wife about the fact that he was cheating on her. With that, he ruined my career."

He shrugged. "It was his own fault for cheating."

I laughed. "That's what I said, but unfortunately he didn't see it that way. Anyway, I'm on clinic duty." I stated before I started walking away.

"(F/N)?" He called. I turned towards him without a word. "Take mine too, would you?"

I sighed. "You are such a bum. Alright..." I ended up with a girl who thought that she might need a HIV test. She turned up positive. It was incredibly depressing to tell her. A woman thought that she might be pregnant, I had to diagnose strep, and a bunch of other simple, boring things.

All in all, it was a tiresome, irritating, and long day. After my clinic duty, my shift was over so I went home. I was watching a movie when I was reminded by my pager the first rule I ever learned in Med School; never make plans. It wasn't long before I was at the hospital again, where I was met by Gregory, his eyebrow raised.

"What took you so long?" He asked.

I frowned. "I came as quickly as I could, Dr. House."

"Hm. I was under the impression we were on a first name basis." He said, then turned to the board. "Okay, so the symptoms are..."

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