Reaver x Sparrow!Reader

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"Reaver." I said calmly.

"Your Majesty." Reaver responded in that lull of his.

I raised an eyebrow at him from my throne. "I did not anticipate that you would return in my lifetime, if ever. Especially considering this is not even your home."

"Are you saying you didn't miss me, Majesty?" He asked, mirroring my expression.

I smirked slightly. "I am always pleased to be in the company of a fellow hero."

"I have no interest in being a hero, and I never have." He said sharply.

I stood and walked over to him. "I know. I just love to mess with you."

"What happened to that elegance you were displaying a moment ago?" He questioned, looking down at me.

I laughed a bit. "I might wear a dress and a crown, but I am still the same Sparrow you remember. I like to consider myself a tad bit more mature, though." A half smirk came upon my face. "Slightly less likely to take jobs from the assassination society."

"Only slightly?" He asked.

I chuckled with a shrug. "What can I say, being Queen doesn't provide that much income. I can only have the taxes so high. Too high and people would starve. Too low and people would still starve! Incredibly complex business."

"Spare me the lecture, I don't care for it." Reaver deadpanned.

I frowned. "Well then, I suppose introductions are in order." Reaver looked a tad bit confused before I clapped my hands. Immediately, a servant was walking towards me with their head bowed. "Fetch me the Prince and the Princess."

It was less than five minutes of silence later before my children were brought to me.

"This is Logan, and this is (the princess.)" I said, putting a hand on one shoulder of each of my children. Logan was about 7 and the princess was 5.

Logan didn't say anything, but the princess blinked up at him. "Are you the pirate?"

I snickered and Reaver seemed slightly annoyed, but he hid it well. "My dear princess, I am the pirate king!"

"Nuh uh. Mama's the Queen!" She objected.

I laughed. "Go and play with your brother. Off you two go now, go play in the garden." I said, and Logan had to literally drag his sister off. I smiled at them.

"I couldn't help but notice that you haven't mentioned their father." Reaver said in a manner that, had I not known him, I would have taken for kindness, sympathy, or caution. Of course, it was merely curiosity.

I grimaced slightly. "He is, regrettably, deceased. I took him on a quest with me one time, as he was confident he could handle it, and he died. Honestly, I should have married somebody a bit more on my level."

"Yes, but then you would have died an old maid, wouldn't you?" He replied.

I chuckled. "That is a good point. Garth is far too old, and you tend to avoid marriages ever since that woman you mentioned in your diary."

"You bought my mansion, did you?" He asked.

I smirked. "Yes. I got your note, and I just want to say, good luck killing me."

"My dear Queen, I wouldn't dream of killing you." Reaver lulled.

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh? It isn't like you attempted to suck the youth out of me, or sell me out to my greatest enemy, or attempted to abandon me and the other heroes without even offering us a ride."

"How did you manage to come back with your youth intact?" He wondered.

I shrugged. "As I recall, there was this young lady whom had somehow ended up in the Shadow Court. I decided that being old and decrepit didn't suit me, so I passed the seal to her. I'd be lying if I said that I regret ruining the poor girl's life. I can be a tad bit selfish at times."

"So that's how you did it. You certainly are a tricky one." He complimented.

"Always have been. Would have died several times otherwise." I stated, turning away from him. "Was there any particular reason for this visit, or did you just want to catch up?"

"I merely wanted to ask your opinion on choice areas for a mansion." Reaver stated.

I turned back around, not bothering to hide my bewilderment. "You plan on living here in Albion?"

"Surely that isn't a problem."

"Of course it isn't. If you don't mind wonderful gypsies, there is a hill overlooking a lake. It is a truly beautiful place, and has an excellent foundation." I stated, smiling slightly as I thought of the place I grew up. There are less of them now, and they aren't as close to the lake as they used to be.

"Gypsies?" Reaver asked distastefully.

"Hold your tongue! I was raised as a gypsy!" I snapped, narrowing my eyes.

"I meant no offence, my queen." Reaver apologized in a tone that told me he wasn't sorry at all.

I sighed exasperatedly. "Can you please explain to me why I tolerate you?" As Reaver opened his mouth, I held up my hand. "I don't actually want an explanation." I can sense he was debating whether or not it was worth it to shoot me. "You know, there are many people in Albion who require assistance. Why don't we go on a For old times sake?" I asked him, looking at him with a grin.

"And why would I do that?" He demanded.

"You're right. Helping people isn't your thing. I heard about a country south of Albion, called...what was it called?" I paused to think about it. "Aurora? Yes, Aurora. There's bound to be some adventure there."

"I've never heard of such a place." Reaver said skeptically.

"All the more reason to travel. If it's boring, we'll just come back! Also," I paused, staring at him seriously. "We aren't going to plunder them, despite how tiny a place it is. I won't have my reputation as a monarch destroyed."

"I'm assuming that the Assassination Society doesn't know who you really are?" Reaver asked.

It took me 3 seconds to figure out what he was saying. "Of course. That's brilliant! I'll just go as (assassin name)!" Then, I chuckled. "Although we can't kill everybody. That would be rude."

A/N: I'm sorry about this. So sorry. But I felt that it had to be done. Sparrow may have been a benevolent ruler, but if my character from Fable 2 is anything to go off of, she had a darker side to her. I wanted to show that.

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