Spock x Reader

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I was walking down the hall when I heard some other Vulcans, one of them my betrothed, picking on a half-breed. I didn't care too much, but still felt a flash of pity at the poor boy before I quickly squandered it. Everyone has emotions, even Vulcans, but we are better at controlling them, and they are less...severe. Humans feel differently than we do. It must be interesting to be able to understand how Vulcans feel as well as how Humans feel. Of course, since they must both be so different, the clashing personalities must be...confusing. The boy seemed to be able to handle it all without the slightest bit of emotion, which I approved of, until they said something about his mother. He looked to be about 7 in Earth years, which was the same age as I.

His fists were clenched at his side angrily. "Take that back." He demanded.

My betrothed raised an eyebrow. "Why should I?"

I walked over and stood in front of the boy. "It would be illogical to not apologize for stating misinformation."

"I have not stated any misinformation, Ki'dwa." He responded.

"You have not been given information from a direct source on the matter of his parents, correct?" I asked him.


"That means that you have been given information from an indirect source, making it 89% likely that the information has been distorted by gossipers, which would make it misinformation." I responded, looking at him blankly.

He raised an eyebrow. "What if the information I have gathered lies in the other 11%?"

"It wouldn't matter, because you are letting an illogical emotion get in the way of your own logic. He did not choose his parents, the same way you did not choose yours, so therefore your actions are completely illogical." I stated, raising an eyebrow and daring him to challenge me.

"I apologize for my misinformation." My betrothed said before walking away with his little group.

I turned to the half-breed, noticing he now seemed to be in control of himself. "You didn't have to do that." He stated.

"When a fellow Vulcan's logic is flawed it is my duty to correct them." I responded as a way of saying, you're welcome. "Are you going to tell me your name, half-breed, or are you going to stand there and stare at me?"

"My name is Spock." He stated.

I nodded. "And my name is ______. Now then Spock, we had best get to our class." I stated, turning on my heel and walking away.

I ran into Spock the very next day. He was walking down the halls stiffly, some other students jeering at him while following him. I walked over to him and stood next to him, which immediately made the other rude little Vulcans disperse.

"You must get a handle on your emotions, Spock." I stated.

He glanced at me with a raised eyebrow. "I have not shown a single emotion this entire time."

"There is a difference between hiding and controlling. The eyes rarely lie." I responded.

"Why do the other students avoid you?" Spock asked.

I continued walking as I answered. "A most...curious question. I am the top student at this school. They all respect me. I deduce that they have heard of my argument with my betrothed, and have assumed I have taken you under my wing. My walking beside you has furthered that, so at the very least while I am here they will leave you be."

Spock's lips twitched for a brief second as if he wanted to frown. "Your T'hy'la?"

"No, he is not my T'hy'la in any form of the word. He is neither my friend, my brother, nor my lover. He is my betrothed, nothing more, nothing less." I responded. It was actually time for lunch. "I am not hungry. Would you like to play chess with me?" I wondered. Spock nodded, and we settled for a table outside. I won.

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