Chapter 1

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Chishiya's POV:
I looked around the room judging everyone. I could tell behind their lying eyes that they were afraid. I knew the look all too well. The only person who looked genuinely calm was a tall man wearing all black holding a large gun over his shoulder and circling the room getting in everyone's faces. I didn't know what to think of him. He had a few piercings on his face, including one on his tongue, which he often seemed to show off whenever he talked to anyone in the room. He was incredibly calm which was psychotic being in this situation, but if that's true I thought then call me a psychopath.
"Stop harassing the newbies Niragi!" Hatter yelled. Niragi rolled his eyes and walked back to his spot.
When the meeting was over I left the room and started to wander. I went out to the pool wearing a pair of white and blue shorts and my white sweater. I walked over to a corner and watched everyone splashing around the pool. Niragi showed up and walked around the pool. He threatened a few people by pointing his gun at them and laughed as they ran away. Some people took one look at him and left the pool. Clearly he was some sort of threat, plus he was an executive so he must've had some value whether it was intelligence or just luck. I decided I needed to keep an eye on him.

A week later

I woke up to banging on my door. I looked around my room and processed my surroundings.
"Oi! Chishiya, there's a meeting!" Oh, it's Niragi. Over just one week we managed to build a rivalry. He knew I was watching him and I knew he was watching me. Probably because he knew I was smarter than him and he wanted to know my tactics. I chuckled knowing he was banging on the door when it was unlocked in the first place. I stayed in bed and waited till he figured it out. He never did. After he yelled and banged on the door a few more times I saw his shadow under the door disappear. I finally went into the bathroom to shower. When I was done showering I wrapped my towel around my waist and walked out and of course as soon as I walked out of the bathroom Niragi was back. He banged on the door again. "Chishiya, wake the fuck up or I'll climb through the fucking window and you'll never wake up again!"
I put on my shorts, swung open the door, and glared at him. "The door was unlocked dumbass."
He gave me a look that I can only describe as a mix of surprised and that annoying look he gives any human female that walks near him. Horny bitch. Although, I can't say I'd mind if he looked at me like that more often. "Can I help you or are you just here to stare?" I said with a smirk.
"Hatter called a meeting. He's asking where you are." "And why'd you come to get me?" I put my sweater on and walked out my room beside Niragi.
"I was forced to because apparently "I'm not really needed for this meeting."" He complained in a mocking tone.
"Heh, you're unimportant."
"Fuck off, just head to the meeting, I'm getting a drink."
I zoned out for the most of the meeting. Apparently there was a ten of diamonds no one had found yet. I didn't pay much attention until I heard my name.
"Chishiya! You're good in diamond games, I need you to find the ten of diamonds and take some people with you in case you die." He said way too casually.
"I'm not bringing any of these losers with me. Like you said, I do well with diamonds. I can handle it."
"You don't know whether the next games will be diamonds or not. If you hate people that much you wouldn't do well in a clubs game, therefore if you die we need to send someone else, which takes another meeting, and more work. Pick at least one other person to go with you or I'll choose for you!" This lazy asshole wanted me to socialize with someone just so he didn't have to do his job when I died. I stood there and finally decided how I'd respond. "Fine, I choose you." He hesitated and gave me a frustrated glare that indicated he felt he'd lost the argument.
"You'll go with Niragi."
"Absolutely not! He's not even here!" There was no way in hell I'd let myself die in front of that idiot.
"Exactly! Now he can't disagree so we can assume he'd say yes!" I rolled my eyes at him and sighed.
When the meeting was over I walked out of the room as soon as I could. There, leaning on a pillar was Niragi. I ignored him and walked back to my room. I could feel him following behind me. I continued to ignore him. I opened my door and tried to close it as quickly as I could but he snuck in behind me and shut the door.
"Why the fuck are you being so weird today?!" I asked him. "I just have a question I've needed to ask." "Ok?" "What's your problem? Why have you been stalking me since you got here?" This was an unexpected question. Why exactly was I? I'm an observer, but I don't spend all my time focused on one subject. "So I can predict your moves. The more I watch, the more understanding I have of the way you act."
"And why would you need to do that?"
"'re the one person who actively carries a huge gun around like it's your only child or some shit, you're disgusting, and somehow you're smart, apparently. You're a psychopathic executive member, I just think I should watch it."
He cocked an eyebrow. "So what you're saying is that you're scared of me?"
"No. Observant doesn't always mean scared."
"....yeah okay. Sure. So what's this I heard about bringing me to play a game?"
"Just ask Hatter I'm tired of you." I pushed him out of the room then closed and locked my door. I flopped on the bed and fell asleep as I dreaded having to go play a game with Niragi. If anything happens to me in front of him it'll be fucking humiliating.

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