Chapter 2

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The next day
Once again I woke up to Niragi banging on my door. It was time to wake up and wait for the next game. He kept banging on the unlocked door waiting for me to get up. It took him a day, but he finally figured it out himself. He opened the door as I continued to lay there and look up at the ceiling with my hands behind my head.
"Oi get the fuck up, you need to get changed and eat something, we're playing a game today!"
"I'm ready, I just need my sweater." I said in a rough morning voice. Niragi picked my sweater up from off the ground and threw it at me. "Asshole" I said under my breath
"Huh?" "Nothing, get out." "No say it again, I didn't hear you."
I sat up and rolled my eyes at him.
"Don't fucking do that, if we're gonna play a game we might as well get along with each other for a bit before one of us kills the other." "Already thinking about it." I growled. I stood up and put my sweater on then looked for a t-shirt and a pair of pants to wear during the game. "You said you were ready." He said impatiently. He paced around the room looking bored of waiting. "You've been in here for 5 minutes, go be a creep or whatever you like to do and I'll come down I'm a second." "You're starting to get on my nerves." He got closer to me and looked down making eye contact. I smirked. I enjoyed bothering him. "God you piss me off" he said. He suddenly pushed me against the wall and tried to choke me. And he was the one who didn't want one of us killing the other. As he slammed me against the wall I moaned once. Fuck, what the hell is wrong with me! He loosened his hand on my neck and continued to pin me against the wall. He smiled. "What the fuck was that?" He laughed. "Nothing, it was a reaction to you trying to kill me you dick." "No, that was a fucking moan!" He finally backed up and he crossed his arms. "Fuck off, I told you I'd be down in a second, bye!" He stood there for longer and just smiled at me and waited for me to say something. "I didn't do shit, let me get changed." Niragi chuckled and walked out of the door. I shut it behind him and locked it. I sighed, pissed off at myself and got changed. We joined a game with the difficulty level 2 of clubs. It was called Escape Room. "We don't need teamwork for this shit, just intelligence." I whispered. The only two people in the room were Niragi and me. The room looked like an old bedroom from the late 80's to early 90's. A comfortable looking wooden bed covered in a homey looking quilted blanket. Next to it was a lamp with a warm light, and underneath it was a book engraved with gold patterns on its spine. Across from the bed was a wooden dresser with a picture over top and a piggy bank on top. To the left of the bed was a wooden bookcase with a few books, a few journals, and some paper and pens. Above us was a TV screen showing five other pairs of people in other rooms. "We must've been put into teams of two." I said. The videos had no sound, meaning we couldn't just get help from the people in the other rooms, but that didn't mean we couldn't watch them. "You have 1 hour to escape. The last three teams to escape the room will be eliminated." The announcement said. "The timer starts in 3, 2, 1...begin." A digital timer turned on next to the door we came in reading 59:59. I watched the TV screen as people frantically began looking for clues, and one person walked out of the door they came through and got eliminated. Niragi looked around the room. He checked drawers and behind objects to look for a clue. He walked into a connected room and snooped around as he does. I stood and watched everyone on the TV. Finally, one person found a key and a paper in a small box under the bed. I crouched down for the box and opened it up. Inside was a key with a pink flower on it. I looked back up at the TV. The woman who found the key used it to unlock a little door hidden in the painting above the dresser. On the picture was a pink flower, a blue flower, and a yellow flower. I opened the little door with the pink flower painted on it. I pulled out a note and handed it to Niragi. "How the fuck did you figure that out?" He looked at what I was doing and started watching the TV with me. "What are you doing, read the note!? I'll watch, you follow my instructions." He read the note and disappeared into the other room again. I noticed that the TV didn't show what people were doing in the other room. There was only a camera in the first room. I heard a sound like something had been unlocked. I kept watching what everyone was doing and Niragi went back to the painting. He unlocked the next door and pulled out a flashlight. "What am I supposed to do with the flashlight?" "I don't know, no one can figure it out." Suddenly a guy on the camera pointed at the screen in his room. He looked at the camera and waved. I looked at the camera without waving back. Niragi took the pink flower key and threw it at the camera. With one perfect shot he broke the camera, and suddenly the lights turned out. Oh that's what it's for. The only other light source was the TV, but to Niragi's credit, they looked confused as if they couldn't see us anymore..but we could see them. We continued our pattern of watch and play. It worked well until we were finally in the second room. After some help from the other players we managed to get ahead of them. No one was in the other room yet. We looked around for clues. The timer said 31:06. I circled the room and when I stepped on one of the wooden floorboards it made a hollow creaking sound. I got down and pulled it out. There was a note. "Read this" I said as I looked for more. "Why do you need me to read it? Read it yourself." "Because I'm looking for more clues and I happen to be smarter than you. I found the first one here didn't I?" I bragged. He walked up closer to me with that bothered look on his face that I loved to see. "You're so fucking full of yourself. You only help yourself, and you think you're better than everyone." "Oh I'm full of myself? You walk around threatening people by just looking at them and you act so confident, but the only reason you think you're confident is because you can manipulate other people, which doesn't even work half the time." Once again he got angry and pinned me against the wall. "How about you just shut the fuck up and let me get us out of this room." he said looking down at me. "It's probably better that I do it." "Shut up!" Suddenly he aggressively kissed me and pushed me harder against the wall. I softly moaned as he slid his tongue into my mouth. He stopped and looked at me while I breathed heavily. "How long to we have left?" he asked "Uh.." He got off of me and I looked at the screen in the other room. "20 minutes and 43 seconds. No one has got to the second room yet." I said between breaths. "Good." He said as he pushed me back up against the wall. He kissed me and slid his tongue into my mouth. I softly moaned with my arms cross underneath him. He grabbed my wrists and put them up on the wall holding them above us as he went back to kissing my lips. His other hand squeezed my hip and rubbed up and down my thigh. "There are 10 minutes and 59 seconds remaining" said the announcer. "Fuck" he whispered. "Let's finish the game and go back to my room." I said. "Yeah okay." He frantically started reading the note. I stayed leaning on the wall processing what just happened. He dropped the note on the floor and looked desperately through a shelf full of clothes. Behind the clothes there were four numbers written on the wall. Under the shelf of clothes was a safe. Niragi punched the numbers into the safe and there in the safe was a key. He opened the door and we ran out of the room. "The first team has escaped. Five teams remaining." We heard the announcer say as we ran out of the room.

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