Chapter 16

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Chishiya's POV:
I went into the room with a few bags of cookies, two bottles of water, and a container of croissants. "I wouldn't trust those" Niragi said pointing to them. "Why?" I asked. "They've been sitting for days, in the gas station I assume." I looked at them disappointed. "I just wanted to get you breakfast though" I whined. "It's okay baby, you just eat your cookies and come cuddle, those should still be good." "I can't, I have to talk to Kuina" I said suspiciously. "Weren't you just with her?" He asked. "Yeah, but we were talking and I need to finish the conversation. She was venting." Niragi started taking a nap and I went to find Kuina. She was on the same beach chair she was on before at the pool. I sat down next to her and we started talking about the plan. "So why would we need bait for the safe?" Kuina asked. "I've seen the safe in that room before, but I don't think Hatter would make it that obvious. Hatter will die in a game any day now, his wins so far are made of luck. When the new number 1 opens the Black Envelope, all I have to do is read their expression. I already assume the Black Envelope says nothing. The ring used to seal it is the code. B. O. S. S. 8055. When I send in our bait it'll confirm whether or not I'm right. If I am, then great we have the cards, but if I'm not the bait gets caught and that narrows down the possibilities of the new number 1's facial expression. I can get a good look around the room, and maybe figure out where the cards really are." Kuina took a moment to think. "What if you can't figure out where the cards are?" "We'll figure that out when we get there." She slowly nodded. "Okay, let's do it. But how do we find our bait?" "All the people at the Beach are idiots. During games we need to pay attention to the way people play. We want someone smart and willing to take a risk." I talked Kuina through the plan one more time and after I went back up to see Niragi. He was fast asleep. I took a shower then got into bed and waited for him to wake up.

Niragi's POV:
I woke up to Chishiya sleeping next to me. I got out of bed to shower and when I was done I walked out to see Chishiya leaving again. "Baaabe, where're you goiiing? You're leaving again" I whined. "I'm getting ready to go play another game with Kuina." "Why? Don't go, what if you die! What's up with you and Kuina today, why are you hanging out so much?" Chishiya just shrugged. "I'll be back, it's okay babe." He walked out without saying bye and I stood there and stared at the door like he'd come right back in. I got dressed and went downstairs to the bar. An hour later Chishiya came in to get me. "Look I'm back, unhurt. And you're still here and clearly drunk, come on let's go get some fresh air." "No, you left me! I wanna stay here. I'm gonna find someone to fuck and then sleep alone." "Okay, that's dramatic. Babe, I'm sorry I left all of a sudden, but you're too drunk to fuck anyone tonight, and we're going to go take a walk so we can spend time together, okay?" I sighed and slowly followed him out of the bar. We took a short walk holding hands. We sat down on a bench in front of the water. All I can remember from there was sitting on Chishiya's lap with his legs crossed. His arms were wrapped around me. I leaned my head back and looked up at the stars half asleep. I knew I was drunk, but I could still think. Something was going on with Chishiya and he wasn't telling me. I was gonna figure it out.

TW: Emotional argument, homophobia

Niragi's POV:
I spent the night with Chishiya again, even though my drunk self decided I wouldn't. Chishiya wasn't in the bed, but note was left explaining he'd be with Kuina AGAIN and they were going to find a game tonight. I heard a knock on the door. I almost ignored, but decided to put my clothes on and answer. It was Hatter again. He immediately started speaking with no hello. "Listen. I'm just going to be honest with you. You and Chishiya are making me sick. I want both of you out unless you're going to stop this whole gay " lovey dovey" thing." I stood there in shock. I wanted to start yelling at him, but the only thing I could think to do was agree. "Okay" I said. "You wanna stay an executive? Don't speak to Chishiya again yeah?" He said smiling. I was about to say something, but he slammed the door and left. My jaw dropped. I covered my mouth with my hands and took a deep breath. I started crying. I felt angry and I couldn't tell who I was angry at. I spent the rest of the day at the pool feeling upset about everything, and finally started a game at the end of the day.

Chishiya's POV:
I walked out of the game with Kuina and we headed back to the Beach. I took my eye patch off during the game. It was Wax Museum and we needed to see where we were going. It only helped a little, but most things were blurry. I went to Niragi's room to see if he was there. He was eating ramen noodles on the bed. He looked at me with a sad look. "What's wrong?" I asked sitting next to him and leaning on his shoulder. "What have you been doing? Why do you keep leaving with Kuina and playing games without me? And where's your eye patch, are you okay? You were gone all fucking day!" He looked like he was about to cry. "Babe, I'm fine. Why are you so upset?" "Just answer my questions!" He yelled. I heard the worry in his voice. I hesitated. "Okay look. Kuina and I have been trying to plan a way out of Borderland. We need to steal all the cards, but we've been going to games to find good bait." He looked confused. "Why didn't you tell me? Do you not trust me or something?" "No, of course I trust you! I just didn't want you to worry." "Well I did worry! You kept leaving me, d- don't fucking leave me!" His voice broke as he started crying. I started to feel angry. "I'm doing it so we can get out of here together! I'm doing it so I don't have to leave you!" We kept yelling at each other and trying to win the argument between tears. It ended in me slamming the door on my way out. I went to my room and closed and locked the door. I cried and started having a panic attack. I sat for a bit and after I calmed down and my tears stopped I started to think. Sadness felt like shit. Love was bullshit. All emotions were fucking stupid. All I wanted to feel was anger. I was going to play another game and get out of here myself. I wasn't gonna let that asshole stop me.
The next morning I went to the pool to see Kuina. When I saw her I told her about what happened. I didn't give her time to respond. I told her I would play a game that night and decide on bait just based on whether they survived or not. She agreed and that night we both went to different games.

Kuina's POV:
I was sitting at the pool when Chishiya came up to me with tears in his eyes. He sat down and I asked him what was wrong. "I fucking hate this place. I want to get out of here and I don't give a shit whether Niragi gets out or not." He explained to me that he and Niragi had a fight and told me the next phase of the plan before I could say anything else. "Okay, fine. Go play whatever game tonight and try to find someone. Remember, you can't just go inviting someone straight up, but you could hint at it." He agreed and went back to his room. I decided I'd go check on Niragi. I never liked him, but I thought, he was with my friend so I might as well see if he was okay. Maybe hear his side of things. I knocked on his door. It took a second, but he finally opened it. "Oh it's you" he said leaning on the doorframe. "Do you wanna talk?" I asked trying to sound as sympathetic as I could without sounding sarcastic. He paused and then nodded. We sat on his bed and he took a deep breath and started telling me about it. "I was freaking out because I didn't know what Hatter would do if we didn't break up or something. Chishiya came back and told me about your plan and I felt scared and worried about him and that me angry at him and then made me angry at me. Anyways...sorry I need to head to whatever game I can find. I need to forget about shit for a little bit. Please don't tell Chishiya what I told you about Hatter. I don't wanna scare him anymore even if he hates me right now." I followed Niragi out of his room and watched him go downstairs.

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