Chapter 15

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Niragi's POV:
I woke up next to Chishiya talking in his sleep and smiled.
Knock knock! I slowly got up to answer the door, making sure not to wake him up. When I opened the door I saw Hatter. He looked at me with a weirdly disappointed face. "Is something wrong?" I asked. He stood there and stared at me. Finally he spoke. "Oh good you're still alive! I'm so glad." He sounded sarcastic. I gave him a confused look. He gave me an annoyed smile and walked away. I turned around and saw Chishiya fidgeting with his cat stuffy. I smiled at him. "That was weird" he said in his cute tired voice. "Eh, Hatter's weird." I fell into the bed next to him and kissed his cheek. He huddled up next to me and hugged me tight. "Hey, you didn't put your bandage back on" he whined. I sighed and slowly got out of bed to put it back on. "How's your eye feeling?" I asked as I walked out of the bathroom. "It hurts a lot today, and can barely see shit" he said looking up at the ceiling. "I don't understand how one piece of glass did that much damage" I said. He didn't answer. He just stared at the ceiling. "What's wrong baby?" I asked, getting back into bed and laying on top of him. He hesitated. "What if..we don't make it out of here? Or only one of us makes it out of here? Or this is some ridiculously realistic dream and I never see you again when I wake up? Or we get separated and when we do get out of here we can't find each other?" He asked. I looked at him concerned. "I don't know what in this world would be deliberately trying to take us apart. If we do get separated somehow, we'll find our way back to each other. I promise." Obviously I had no control over whether I could keep that promise or not, but I needed him to be happy just with the time we did have together. We didn't know what would happen next.

Chishiya's POV:
Niragi promised me we'd find our way back to each other, but I didn't believe him. Something was weird about Hatter. He sent us to the 9 of hearts game together. He smiled about it, and seemed strangely disappointed we were alive. Something's up with him, but we can't just leave or we're dead anyways. I decided I needed a plan to get out of here. I didn't want Niragi getting all worried about me, but I knew just who to get help from. "Babe, I'm gonna go get some food with Kuina. You stay here, I'll bring you back something" I said innocently as I got out of bed and put my clothes on. "Okay, whatever makes you feel better. Do you need anything?" He asked. I shook my head and opened the door. I went down to the pool to find Kuina and tell her about my idea. She was sitting on a beach chair under an umbrella. "Kuina. I need help with something" I said to her immediately. "Nice to see you too" she responded sarcastically. "I told Niragi I was getting us food, come with me" I said pulling her arm. "I never agreed to that!" "Kuina, please!" She rolled her eyes and followed me. "Where are we even going?" She asked. "The gas station near by" I said. On our way there I explained to her my idea. "I need to be able to get out of here with Niragi without us being killed." "You can't! Hatter will find you. Or Aguni, or Last Boss, or someone!" I hesitated in frustration. My eyes widened. "I've got it. Hatter needs all the cards so someone can leave Borderland. What if I stole all the cards and got us out of Borderland as a whole!" I said with hope. "But what if Hatter's right, and only one person can win all the games." "I don't believe that shit. That makes no sense, I'm taking Niragi to every game I go to, or as many as I can, and we're gonna leave together." I said as we approached the gas station. "Okay..fine. But how do you intend on getting all the cards? The black envelope is sealed and locked in a safe. There's no way you're getting those." I thought about it as I stuffed my arms with bags of cookies. "I can figure out the code. I've seen the room with that safe, if I can just figure out the combination, it'll work." I was desperately searching for unreasonable ideas, but I'd do anything. "We could use some bait. I don't want to be walking into that room and getting caught. Then I'm definitely dead. We'd need a few more people, do you know anyone else?" Kuina stood there and thought. "Not anyone we could trust" she said. "And Niragi can't know about this" I told her. "Why not?" She asked with a concerned look in her eyes. "He's gonna worry too much. I don't want him to worry about me too much, I can handle this. I just want to get him and me out of here so we can stay together" I said with tears in my eyes. "Okay, fine" Kuina said. "How do we start?"

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