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"Anddddd, TADA

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"Anddddd, TADA. Behold humanity's second best antibiotic, the sulfa drug"  The red-yellow pill glistened in the light of the science lab, held by Suzuki [Name]. She brought it down to the palm of her hands, her breaths heaving.

Months of hard work had finally paid off. Senku had told her that it was going to be impossible and he was ten billion percent wrong.

"Looks like you have proven me wrong again [Name]" the rough voice of Senku  said as he grabbed the pill and examined it. Truthfully, he had known that creating a medicinal drug would be a hard trek but he hadn't known that [Name] would actually take on his challenge.

"Now what would happen if I added this drug to the newly prepped gasoline I just made?" he put on his famous evil grin, bringing it close to the rim of the gasoline flask. As [Name] reached out her arm to stop him, Taiju burst in with a slam!

"LISTEN UP YOU TWO, TODAY IS THE DAY I PROFESS MY LOVE FOR YUZURIHA" He bellowed, while everyone in the science lab froze.

"DANG TAIJU" [Name] jumped off from her place and landed next to him. "I can't believe we're alive to see this moment" she wiped a tear.

"Well since you've been butchering this moment for several years, why not have a pheromone potion mixed with antibiotics. In short, a love potion mixed with addiction" the trademarked grin made its way again to Senku's face.

[Name] just smiled at the faces of the other kids in the lab, knowing that there was no way Taiju would take it. Sure enough he rejected and was on his way to the grounds where Yuziriha was standing. Everyone in the lab gathered near the window, placing bets on the confession.

"You know Senku, you should go ahead and confess to me already. Be more like Taiju" [Name] awed at the sight, resting her face on her palm.

"Huh? You're still on that silly banter?" He smiled, staring at the girl beside him. "Well everyone in the school thinks we have something going on, so might as well give them what they want. Besides, my father already gave me two options, get together with you or that idiot heir of the Nanami Conglomerate"  She straightened her coat.

You guessed it, [Name]'s father was the owner of Suzuki Industries, one of the most highly regarded companies in Japan. Despite him wanting his daughter to be heir to the company, she decided against this and leaned towards  medicine instead. This angered her father so he gave her two options, either marry a man of great intelligence that could potentially take care of the business or marry the heir of the Nanami Conglomerate.

"Imagine, [Name] and Senku, Scientist X Doctor. POWER COUPLE OF THE CENTURY" She pounced on Senku's lab coat, shaking him vigorously. "Come on Senk-" [Name]'s voice was halted by the appearance of green encapsulating light.

Both of the scientists froze as cries enveloped, they faced each other, knowing there was no escaping this.

Then it came, the end of humanity as they knew it.

Then it came, the end of humanity as they knew it

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