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"Damn I've run out of songs to sing

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"Damn I've run out of songs to sing. It's probably been years since petrification took place, yet I feel the same. Like it preserves our body but lets electrical impulses of our brain function , however, the hormonal changes have stopped."

She blabbered onto the darkness. This didn't seem different from her normal ranting session at her house except emptier. She knew at least a century must've flown by, leaving everything inhabitable.

"If I were Senku, I would've started to rebuild civilization and got the basic things down. One of the many things I love about him." She then paused, "Quiet as always Darth"

Darth was the name she gave to the darkness after playing I spy with him a bazillion times.She had also played hide and seek with him, but Darth was very bad at it. Yep, she could feel herself going insane.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, true to her words, Senku was rebuilding civilization.

"Well, I've got a pretty good idea on how to cure Ruri's sickness, but we might need some help" Senku's eyes softened, thinking of her made him absolutely pathetic. He still wasn't able to retrieve your body, despite searching everywhere.

"Wait, we're adding another member to the Kingdom of Science?" Chrome bounced along with Kohaku and Suika who were both extremely ecstatic.

"Second Step on making the medicine, finding my lab assistant" He smirked, stroking his hair.

After months, on contemplating the whereabouts of your body, he finally pinpointed his suspicions. He had been foolish for not looking there before, you were right there after all.

Right next to him.

He was sure you would have ended up where he is, just below him.

It was a dangerous trail, eerily close to Tsukasa's empire but he eventually found the tree he marked.

"Hey Chrome, looks like we can heal Ruri after all"

They both dug at the spot and sure enough, hit the jackpot. There you were, frozen with a smile on. Both males flipped you onto a cart and were on the trudge back, your stone body jumping everytime the cart made contact with rocks.

Finally, they made it back to their base next to Ishigami village. Wiping a sweat from his brow, Senku took a good look at you. Past few months had been so rough, without the company of his friends, he felt alone in this new world.

"Hey Senku, I thought we didn't have any of that nitric acid stuff. How are we going to revive her?" Kohaku examined your still figure, pondering on Senku's next move.

In response, Senku just smiled and rushed to his hut and found a pair of clothes that matched his. Yuzuriha had made it for her, in case they ever found her. The dress was pretty similar to Kohaku's yet it was beige and had specks of brown littered on it. The top was sewn together with a few thick strings to show the sides of her body and the skirt was shaped similar to Kohaku's.

As soon as Senku laid the clothing upon you, cracking was heard as your eye started to show.

"What unbelievable timing, lab assistant" he smirked while Chrome, Kohaku and Suika gasped in shock. Soon, every bit of stone had fallen off your body and you fell towards the ground.

Despite the petrification, your hair had turned completely white. Clearly being stuck in stone didn't stop your autoimmune disorder. Marie Antoinette syndrome although rare, it isn't completely unheard of.

Senku softly laid his hand on your soft white hair, ruffling it. You inhaled large amounts of air and coughed, concerning the rest of the group.

"BRO WTF IS THIS" [Name] stood up in a haste, disregarding the people and instead focusing on the surroundings. She was absolutely right, Senku had advanced forward all this time.

"I knew you could do this Senku" She turned sound and looked at the male, feeling giddy. She ran into him giving him the tightest hug, she missed him. He still smelt the same as she remembered.

"Welcome back [Name]"  he hugged her back, making sure she was actually here and not a figment of his imagination.

The others were shocked, SENKU??? OF ALL PEOPLE?? SHOW AFFECTION??? They were quite literally bamboozled, shooketh and in distress. This was a completely new side of the scientist they once knew, and it was all because of her.

 This was a completely new side of the scientist they once knew, and it was all because of her

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