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AS SOON AS the balloon made contact with the ground, [Name] rushed out, closing her mouth with her palm

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AS SOON AS the balloon made contact with the ground, [Name] rushed out, closing her mouth with her palm. Senku stepped out after her as he stuck a pinky to his ear.

"[Name]-chan looks like she's about to join Shrek with that green face," Gen walked over to the scientist. He examined Senku's face, something was seemingly weird.

"Why do you have..." Gen contemplated his thoughts, "an afterglow"

Senku's eyes shined as he gave him a thumbs up. The mentalist's eyes furrowed in confusion, wondering what had happened between them.

After rinsing her face, [Name] walked over to see Ukyo hunched over a rock.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" She popped in front of his vision, pointing to the spot foremost of him.

"Be my guest" he smiled and ushered her to sit.

Crossing her legs, she rested her head on her palm, staring at him. None of them blinked for the longest while until [Name] finally gave in.

"DARN IT, IT WAS THE DUST PARTICLES IN THE AIR" she slapped her hands on the ground, causing him to laugh at her dismay.

"Beside my terrible staring game, why are you out here alone" she asked him as she leaned back.

"Thinking about you" he smiled at her, waiting for her reaction. The words slowly processed in her mind until she burst into flames.

"Jokes aside" he flicked her burning forehead, "I  just had a lot on my mind, you know, after my change to this side. I just hope that whoever I killed or destroyed, would forgive me."

"Jesus, every single action I did, haunts me in the form of nightmares. I pray everyday for forgiveness to god, hoping anyone could forgive me."

She crawled on her knees to bring his head down to her shoulder, hugging him tightly. Soft stifles were heard as her shoulder got soaked in tears.

𝑷𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒆 [Dr Stone]Where stories live. Discover now