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"YOU SHOULD really be careful with your hands [Name]

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"YOU SHOULD really be careful with your hands [Name]. A surgeon's hands are the most important thing to them" Ukyo scolded her as he wrapped the white bandage around her palms.

"It's not that bad pssht" she dismissed his claims. Both of them were sitting on a pair of rocks, situated not far from the main base.

He eyed her figure, who was staring at the people working in the distance. He gently took her hand and planted a kiss on it, hoping to calm her racing nerves.

"Now come, Tsukasa's waiting for you" Ukyo got up and extended his hand towards her. Her bandaged palm slowly put itself in his and he hoisted her up.

She followed behind him, her skin heating up from either the weather or because of Ukyo. She stared at their interlocked fingers the entire way there, contemplating.

They reached the cave and [Name] immediately let go of Ukyo and rushed to Tsukasa. Her hands grazed every single part of his face and body, to make sure he was alright.

"Every...Everything's stable for now but a pre surgery is required" she sighed looking at his tired face.

"[Name]...Thank you. You kept your promise" Tsukasa's hand reached to caress her cheek. Just looking at her like this brought peace to his heart.

"Don't be silly, you sound like you're going to die" she lowered herself down to his level. "I will never let that happen...ever"

He simply nodded at her assurance.

"Senku" she acknowledged the male who stood near the walls. "Let's do this, assistant"

Everyone was ushered out of the cave, leaving only [Name], Senku and Gen.

"Wait, you're going to do this without anaesthesia??" Gen exclaimed in surprise. He gulped when he watched the creepy smiles of the two scientists.

"We've got no other choice" Senku strapped [Name] on with the gloves and mask. She gave him a determined look before grabbing the needles.

"Good Lord" she stared at the punctured hole in the lung. The cut was eerily close to causing a pneumothorax, which would result in his death.

Using the scalpel, she slowly made an incision in the middle of chest. Blood started oozing out, dampening her gloves.

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