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"WHAT WAS THAT green light?" [Name] looked at Senku who was equally puzzled as her

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"WHAT WAS THAT green light?" [Name] looked at Senku who was equally puzzled as her. Her hands felt a fuzzy warmth as she turned it over to see if it had any infliction.

The feeling was similar to that of a heatwave yet it was such a quick one.

Everyone else also seemed to feel it as they all looked dazed. The confession was stopped short and she could see them returning, Taiju especially having a saddened expression on.

The breath she held was finally released as everyone busied themselves in their own work. Just like that, the moment was dismissed but the air of curiosity hung.

"Twitter is probably having a blast over this moment" Senku turned away from the window sill, slipping off his gloves.

She momentarily stared at the skyline, hesitant. Her phone flicked open as she whipped her phone out of her lab coat pocket.

"Missed calls from Ryusui?" She scrunched her eyebrows at the screen, ignoring the notifications for now. The Twitter icon stared back at her, waiting to be opened.

As expected, Twitter was having a field day with the hashtags. From people saying that we were under an alien attack to people blaming the government.

None of these made sense though, it had caused no harm and was reported all over the world.

"[NAME]" her lab mates shouted to grab her attention. She shrugged the incident off and shoved the phone inside her pocket, making a mental note to respond to Ryusui once she was done.

Once back in her station, her mind drifted to today's plans. Right, Ryusui called because they had dinner plans today.

She slumped herself on her stool and spun around, her hair spiralling everywhere. Her thoughts wandered towards Senku, who stood on the other side, experimenting.

Taiju and Yuzuriha's confession had struck a chord in her.


She would never have a moment with Senku ever. She had tried multiple advances, but was immediately shut down by quirky remarks.

𝑷𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒆 [Dr Stone]Where stories live. Discover now