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"IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY" [Name] scribbled on her notebook

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"IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY" [Name] scribbled on her notebook. The only sounds now were the scrubbing of the nib of the pen.

Senku had created a mini clinic for her, without informing her. Basic necessities were all provided as there was a single bed near the corner plus a desk and chair.

A cabinet stored all the medicine she made before. The walls were painted blue and white with a hint of yellow, giving her an image of a paediatrician room.

After the whole treasure island discussion in the helm room, she had excused herself to tend to other matters.

Her bare thighs touched each other as she crossed them, turning the chair to the side. Her pen was now twirling her white hair strands when she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" she said, wondering who it could be. Surprisingly, it was a familiar yellow male, Ukyo.

He walked in as he shut the door behind him gently. He sat across her, in the patient's chair, eyeing her squished thighs cautiously. Her skirt was just inches away from exposing more than what he should see.

"So, what brings the great sonar operator here?" She questioned as she rested her face into her hands, with support of the table.

"Just some things I need to tell you" his fingers drummed on the wooden desk, his eyes trembling as they dropped down to her lips.

He cleared her throat, making her straighten her back. "I was wondering if you have any anti-allergy pills. I've got this insane dust allergy and it just hurts to breathe properly" he nervously gulped, scratching the back of his neck.

[Name] clapped her hands together in delight and got up to walk towards the cabinet.

"I've been waiting to try out this Antihistamine tablet I made. The opportunity never came because these people seem to be immune or something" she opened the cabinet, eyes scanning for the purple package.

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