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The plan was in full gear as everyone started doing their parts for the remaining ingredients

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The plan was in full gear as everyone started doing their parts for the remaining ingredients. Senku, [Name] and Chrome were in the lab trying to clear up the mess from their explosion. Gen then arrived to check up on the science gang.

"[Name] chan. Where did this explosion come from" he hugged [Name]'s arm closely, looking at both of them.

"Cause this idiot [Name] added too much acetic anhydride to the anilin" he smacked her head.

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT, I WAS UNDER PRESSURE" she poked her tongue at him, while Gen watched their interaction.

That's when [Name] remembered something, how did Gen know her name during the grand bout?

"Hey Gen, how did you know my name? Especially since I don't recall meeting you before" she looked at the male who was still hugging her arm.

"Oh it's because Senku over here wouldn't sto-" Gen's mouth was immediately stuffed with leaves which seemed like cilantro.

"[Name], hurry what's the next step of the drug" he dismissed Gen's words while she just confusingly stared. She had already told him this so how did he forget?

"Uhh, well we mix the chlorosulfuric acid with the acetanilide, then we get para-acetamidobenzenesulfonyl chloride. Mix with some ammonia and we get para-acetamidobenzenesulfonic acid and finally" she took a deep breath, "Cook it on low heat with HCl and we'll get the end product." she exhaustingly said.

"I'm surprised you said that with a straight face [Name] chan" he also looked exhausted just from hearing her.

"Lastly that carbonated water, you know what it means" Senku smiled at Gen both blushing.

"Well I'm not expecting much but-" Gen excitedly started, hoping it was what he thought. He was cut short as Senku grabbed the beakers with water and started making baking soda.

[Name] comforted him by patting his shoulder.

"You'll get your drug soon, Gen" she said leaving the hut, giving Gen hope for his favourite thing while he sunk to the floor.


"AND TADAA" [Name] held the glass container containing the drug, deja vu hitting her. They didn't have a capsule to stuff it in, but the powder would have to do for now.

They all celebrated until it was time to go give Ruri the medicine.

"[Name], do you have a diagnosis for Ruri?" Senku wondered. He was sure he had something she wasn't telling him. She always had something to say even if it was the dumbest of things.

"I've got a pretty good idea but I'm not 100% sure" she reached the end of the bridge.

They stepped inside the village, Ruri waiting for them. Senku was just about to feed her the medicine before [Name] stopped him.

"I hope y'all don't mind, but I've got to run some tests on her" she said, staring at everyone as they clearly didn't get the message.

"In private, please"

"NO WAY I'M LEAVING RURI ALONE WITH YOU" The chief shouted as Kohaku stopped him from going any further.

"Father please, trust science. [Name] is just trying to help Ruri" Kohaku cried out. This made [Name]'s eyes soften. Even in this age, people still hold belief to their words even though they might not make sense.

"Kohaku you can come with me" she signalled but stopped Senku from going further.

"You better stay here, trust me" she trailed to the village hut as Senku nodded, curious on what she was up to. He was sceptical at first but he believed her words.

Once they were out of everyone's sights; curtains drawn.

"Ruri, this may seem weird but could you please open up your legs for me" [Name] asked as she put on some gloves she found. It was time for a checkup. Kohaku and Ruri just looked at the girl, hoping she knew what she was doing.

Few minutes went by and the three girls had left the hut ,their faces black and white, stunned.

"Well, that was traumatising" all three of them said with a blank face, leaving everyone else wondering what happened.


"Her lungs are filled with liquid, it could be Tuberculosis or Pneumonia" Senku said.

They had returned to the hut after giving Ruri the medicine. She had coughed up the white powder but at least it was in her system.

"I'm 10 billion percent sure it's pneumonia" she claimed to the still terrified Kohaku who just shivered.

Senku just raised an eyebrow, how was she so sure without an x-ray scan?

"Well, I gave Ruri a very thorough checkup especially near her vagina" to which Senku looked shocked, why didn't he think of that.

"Ruri has no sign of HIV which means she's not susceptible to TB. No swollen nodes or anything besides if she did, she would've died long ago. This is defo pneumonia, I pledge on Gold Roger's life" she held up her hand.

Suddenly, Suika bursted in screaming that Ruri's health was getting worse. They all rushed to her and it didn't look good. She was laying on the floor, violently coughing. The Villagers leaders all turned to the science users with rage. It was all their fault that Ruri was going to die.

[Name] looked calm though, almost smiling. Then Senku started laughing, finally relieved.

"You were right, it was pneumonia." Senku looked at [Name]'s standing figure who just nodded in return.

"We just need to give her more of the drug and she'll be up in no time"  she fistbumped Senku.

"ENOUGH OF THIS NONSENSE" Kokuyo screaming making a grab for [Name] which was blocked by Kohaku's shield. Senku then held her fingers in between his, pulling her back.

"Trust Science father" the tears welled up in Kohaku's eyes.

Sure enough, in a few days Ruri was in good shape. She had started doing long strides and was perfectly fine.

Also, Senku became the village chief of what you say? He became the chief of Ishigami village. Neither me or Senku saw it coming; it was too much of a coincidence


Sorry if the progress is slow, Senku is not the romantic type so its gonna take time till he admits.

Sorry if the progress is slow, Senku is not the romantic type so its gonna take time till he admits

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