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"I LEAVE FOR ten minutes and you've not only created a fashion show but we apparently have to make a hot air balloon now??" [Name] sighed while Ryusui laughed at Senku's ambition

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"I LEAVE FOR ten minutes and you've not only created a fashion show but we apparently have to make a hot air balloon now??" [Name] sighed while Ryusui laughed at Senku's ambition.

"I'LL BUY IT" Ryusui pulled out an enormous amount of Drago. She smacked his hand back away, resulting in him making a puppy eyed face.

"Mount Fuji apparently changed the landscape of Japan. So I was hoping we could finally use this chance to fly." Senku signalled her to look at the entire members working on making the cloth.

Senku's eyes then lingered at how close the pair were standing. His hand reached out to grab hers, pulling her towards him.

"I'll be borrowing her" Senku smiled with his eyes closed, dragging her away.

Ryusui watched her leave until they disappeared around the turn, sadness clouding his eyes.

He had heard about Senku before, actually, a million times before.

Their engagement was more of a business deal than an actual relationship.

But if there's no longer hierarchy...is this engagement even valid anymore? So far she hasn't dismissed any of his advances. She's been the same then why does he feel like he's entering a losing battle?


"Yuzuriha, I love you so much" [Name] spun herself around, beaming at the skirt combo she was wearing.

"It reminded me of your tumblr obsession back in the day" She held a needle by her teeth, adjusting the final touches to the skirt.

It was nothing too special, but it meant the world to [Name] if it came from Yuzuriha.

The skirt was short and plain white while the cropped shirt was the same colour with a blue butterfly drawn to it. Along with that combo was a baby blue, cloud patterned cardigan.

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