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"CHOP CHOP GEN" [Name] clapped her hands, getting their attention

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"CHOP CHOP GEN" [Name] clapped her hands, getting their attention. She and Senku had finally returned from the graveyard.

"Let's hear what happened at the Tsukasa Empire, mentalist" Senku asked him who just started laughing maniacally.

[Name] had a bad feeling about this

"They're coming, his army. He's been reviving lots of strong people lately" Gen spat out. That's right, how would they have let go of him that easily. He came here as a supposed spy.

For a moment everyone was silent until it finally hit them, their eyes widening. The attack was coming right now, while they were all unprepared.

"Tsukasa is not the only one you should be afraid of," Gen gulped. Okay, [Name]'s gut feeling was getting worse, something was going to happen.

"The other strong person who was revived was Hyo-" right as he was about to say the name, Ginro came running. He was panting as he let out "THE ENEMY'S HERE"

Immediately all of them ran towards the bridge, where the battlefield was going on. Kinro was taking on the enemy, who was cloaked in a black and white cap. He was repeatedly firing Kinro with spear attacks.

"THE GUY KINRO IS FIGHTING IS HYOGA CHAN" Gen shouted as they reached the bridge. Those words made [Name] stop in her tracks, her face becoming pale.

What was he doing here? Why did he get revived? So many questions roamed her mind as she shivered. They were all pushed out as Hyoga kicked Kinro off the bridge but Kinro held on with the tiniest grip.

This made her run onto the field. He was just about to push off the dangling Kinro until [Name] came in front of him. Senku tried reaching for her but was stopped by the Chief.

"Don't touch him, brother" she clenched her fists, looking down at the boards of the bridge. The enemy finally looked up to see [Name]'s figure standing in front of him.

Audibly loud gasps were heard, no one had expected the sudden twist of events. [Name] had never once mentioned anything about her family. Everyone turned to look at Senku for answers, if anyone knew about this, it would be him.

No, Senku was just as surprised as them, she had never once mentioned her brother. He was going to bring up the brother from 27th tale before they came. Why didn't she tell him?

"Ahh I knew you would be here, [Name]" Hyoga turned, walking towards her. He then held her chin as he made her look into his eyes. "It's rude to not face the person when they're talking to you. Have I not taught you properly, [Name]?" he whispered.

Her eyes quivered when he spoke, she was scared, scared of him. She hated the feeling of his touch, it was so casual yet it had so much malicious intent. But right now, she had more important things to handle.

"Help Kinro up" she spat in his face as he let go of her chin. He paced backwards to lend a hand to Kinro, bringing him back on the bridge. "Anything for my little sister." Kinro fell down to his knees as he panted.

"What are you doing here? You were supposed to be in the states with your mother so how did you get here?" she asked him, finally looking straight into his eyes.

Hyoga and [Name] were half siblings, from different mothers. They were different in many ways but their name and hair connected them together. He had moved away when she was ten, after making her life hell.

"Father had called me to discuss about the company so I arrived just a day before the petrification" he smiled under his mask.

Behind them, Gen and Senku had devised a plan to get rid of Hyoga. They created a makeshift gun, firing it next to the bridge, diverging everyone's attention.

Gen then came running towards the siblings, shouting "EVERYONE RETREAT, THEY'VE GOT GUNS" as his face contorted to a worried, grim one. He dragged all the minions with them.

Hyoga then looked at Senku, realising it. "You must be Senku" he stared at him to which Senku gave him the infamous smirk.

"Tell Tsukasa that we've got 10 billion guns ready for him" and those were the last words as Hyoga ran away, disappearing in the crowds of trees.

As soon as he left her sight, [Name] fell to her knees, curling them and taking in deep breaths. She closed her eyes when she felt the presence of Senku, cuddling her figure. She slowly calmed down, hugging him back.

"It's okay [Name], he's gone" he whispered into her ear.


"BAAM, fuzzy sickness is cured" [Name] placed the newly made glasses on Kinro's head as wows were heard. They had finally gone around to giving both Kinro and Suika proper eye tests. Therefore, both of them receiving new pairs.

Ever since yesterday, [Name] hadn't uttered a single thing, refusing to speak at the whole ordeal. Senku decided not to push it, he knew eventually she will tell him herself.

"Do you have anything to defeat the black masked guy?" Kohaku crossed her arms, staring at Senku.

"[Name], do the honours" Senku instructed her.
She then pulled out a katana with a red hilt from behind her. Pointing at the piece of log in front of her she shouted, "GETSUGA TENSHO" and sliced the log into pieces, cleanly.

"YABEEEE" Chrome's eyes gleamed at the shiny new object, fawning over it.

Kohaku then tapped [Name]'s shoulder.
"Do you think you'll be able to face that masked guy?" She looked worried for [Name].

"Yeah most likely, I was just shocked at that moment cause he came outta nowhere you know. I won't let y'all have all the fun with these babies" she swung the sword in all directions, making Kohaku backup in fear.

A sigh of relief was let out by Senku who went back to work on making the other Katanas, smiling to himself.

This goofy ahh book got 1K reads, damn I didn't expect that. Thank you for all of them honestly‼️

 Thank you for all of them honestly‼️

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