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"Ruri is almost saved" were the last words of Chrome as he splattered to the ground

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"Ruri is almost saved" were the last words of Chrome as he splattered to the ground. The sand around him was flying everywhere.

"Get up Chro-" Senku stopped as Chrome was completely wiped out. Everyone started muttering on the possibilities of the outcome. The science Kingdom were all sweating realising what this meant.

Jasper sighed and announced, "The new village chief and the husband of the priestess is the winner, Senku"

The whole crowd visibly saw [Name]'s soul leave her body, she became an empty husk. There goes her plan of having three kids and a cat named Sergei. Her face was still in shock as Gen tried shaking her to get her back to reality.

"[NAME] CHAN DON'T DIE, THERE'S PLENTY OF FISH IN THE SEA" he tried consoling her but it was no avail as she sat on the ground.

"So, I just have to marry Ruri and the whole village will be mine right?" Senku stuck his pinky into his ear, stepping forward towards Ruri.

"I'll do it then"

"YOU'RE KILLING HER SENKU" Gen shouted looking at [Name] still laying on the floor. Her life long ambition was gone, now she had to get married to Ryusui, he was the only option.

"I'll have all your wine" he wickedly smiled, motioning for them to bring him their barrels. Although there was another problem, Ruri violently started coughing up blood.

This snapped [Name] back to her senses as she ran to her. Ruri's hand was filled with blood stained phlegm which instantly made [Name] realise what her potential disease could be. Senku seemed to have noticed and hurried himself until he was stopped by villagers.

He declined their offer to drink all night as he picked [Name] up, carrying her with all his strength. She let out a yelp, not expecting the sudden action.

"I'm divorcing then" he simply stated as they all made a run for it, Gen dragging Kaeski and Kohaku carrying all the barrels.

They left all the villagers in shock, Ruri whispering that she was the first ever divorced priestess.

Once they made it to the Kingdom, they let out a sigh of relief. Kohaku dragged Chrome to the main hut while Senku took [Name] to his hut, she was still holding his neck.

When they were inside he gently laid her aside, [Name] getting up on her feet and dusting her clothes off.

"Did you really think that I was gonna agree to something as troublesome as marriage?" he turned to her. He finally noticed her cracks.

They were so beautifully placed under her eyes just like his. She had also had two on her collarbones making it feel like she was wearing a necklace. Senku really wanted to touch her, he wanted to run his fingers along her lines. But he held himself, he had to rebuild civilization, he can't have romantic relationships.

He wasn't even sure if he had feelings for her. Sure, he enjoyed her presence more than anyone else's and sure he feels at peace only if she's around. But is that really love or just admiration?

"WELL" [Name] thought back, she was too blinded by the sorrow to notice he was just doing it for the plan. "Doesn't stop the fact that you gave me a heart attack. I had our whole wedding planned, you can't just bail on me" she crossed her arms, sternly meeting his eyes.

"Idiot, do you really think we have time for a wedding now?" he smacked her head, quickly dismissing the fact and instead moving to the edge of the hut. He opened the straw basket that remained there and pulled out a few items.

"Yuzuriha and Taiju spent all their spare time searching for you" he smiled, as he watched her eyes soften at the mention of her best friends.

"Big oaf wouldn't stop searching behind every tree" he laughed, reminiscing about the moment. "Yuzuriha made you this headband and shoes" he brought the two items into light

That was the final straw, [Name]'s eyes started tearing as she took them from Senku. She missed those two so much, she couldn't even describe it. Yuzuriha has been there with her almost her entire life.

She was her very first friend, the one who picked her up when she fell, the one who used to teach her sewing even though she was terrible at it. She used to listen to all her rants about her love life.

And Taiju, he was the light of her life. When people mocked her for her white-patched hair, he stood in front of her, fighting them off. He also helped her with her experiments even if he had no idea of what was going on.

Senku gently put the headband, which was the exact copy of Yuzuriha, on her head. It really matched her glistening white hair. His fingers trailed the strands of her hair, stroking it. They both were staring at each other in silence, [Name]'s tears now dried.

Suddenly out of nowhere, Gen popped into the hut, jolting both of them apart.

"SENKU CHAN, CHROME IS AWAKE" he said and went back out, both of them following him in tow. [Name]'s grip on the shoes tightened as she tried to calm herself down.

 [Name]'s grip on the shoes tightened as she tried to calm herself down

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