One Week Later
Kyle, James and Sarah are on top of building as James turns the radio dial attempting to get a signal.
Kyle: I still can't hear shit from that goddamned radio.
James: Just give it a second, Kyle....I can almost get it.
Sarah: James, as much as I want to believe you, all I can hear is the heavy ass snow blowing....
A flying gargoyle creature flies over head.
Kyle: Oh, yeah....there's those things.
Sarah: How did those things get created?
Kyle: Same way. Radiation. Nuclear shit.
James continues turning the dial.
James: Goddammit....that fucking signal has to still be here.
Sarah: James....maybe you should accept the fact that that signal is gone.
Kyle: Or doesn't exist.
Sarah: Kyle....look, James, I'd love to live on an ocean beach, or a community of build houses or a green forest?
Kyle: What good is a broadcasting a signal in a nearly silent city?
James: It's not's just....
Kyle rolls his eyes and stands up, before turning the radio off.
Kyle: Now, it's silent. Now come on.
Kyle walks ahead, before James sighs.
James: Shit.....
Sarah touches James' shoulder, before walking off with Kyle. James puts his radio away and joins Kyle and Sarah.
Kyle: Well, we took our sweet time. Wonder what the hell Shawn and the others are doing?
Sarah: Most likely wondering where we are.
James: Knowing my brother, I wouldn't be surprised he hasn't turned off his goddamned radio yet.
Kyle: Imagine what your wife will think or do to you after you told her you wouldn't do this anymore?
Kyle, Sarah and James travel through an abandoned building upper floors.
Sarah: You've been to all these ruins, James?
James: Of course. I mean, a month in a city only ran by was not easy, had to do it without getting myself killed....
Kyle: How you did that possibly without getting killed is possible.
Sarah: Why don't we try scavenging some stores while we're up here? I'm sure the Takers haven't completely scoured all the shit in this building.
Kyle: May as well.....Rocky's been bitching and moaning about needing more to build and stitch up our gear....also, building better weapons....stronger weapons.
James: How that man is a blacksmith, completely unknown. Given his personality.
Kyle laughs.
Sarah: No shit...but go easy on Rocky. He's dealing with a lot.
James: Like what? The Reapers burning his lonely town or his porno magazines....
Kyle: Oh,'d you figure that out?
James: Shawn Burton is my older brother, did you forget?
Kyle: When we get back, we can start building FLATS for everyone.
James: FLATS?
Kyle: Yeah, you know, it's like a small wooden house....with a kitchen...and a shower.
Sarah: It does sound nice.

Chronicles of the Apocalypse: Across the Ruins (2024)
ActionSet months after their losses both of homes and loved ones, Kyle and what remains of his group must travel across the wasteland in a brutal and bloody journey to find a new home. R for Strong Bloody Post-Apocalyptic Violence, Disturbing Images, Per...