Chapter 18: Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death

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In Ohio, the Myrmidon is parked outside the valley as Kyle and Caleb prepare to leave for their recon. Rachel and Moses approaches Kyle.

Rachel: Kyle, can I come with you?

Moses: Me, too?

Kyle: I know you want to help, guys, but I need you to stay here and help watch over Cassandra. Can you two do that for me?

Rachel looks at Moses, then shakes her head yes as she hugs Kyle.

Rachel: Come back safe.

Kyle laughs.

Kyle: Definitely planning on it, kid.

Kyle turns to Moses.

Kyle: Moses, stay with Rachel, okay?

Moses: Yes, sir.

Kyle and Caleb enter the railcar as they drive through valley. Shortly after, Cassandra is coughing in her room as James is tending to her.

James: Hey,'s going to be okay. Kyle and Caleb are going to check out the area, then you're going to be okay. The valley's going to heal you. You'll see....then we're gonna live that fantasy we talked about. Our toes in the sand....our son in our hands...sitting on a rock...looking at the waves and the sun.....

Sarah sits in her room, before Rachel sits down with her. 

Sarah: You okay, kid?

Rachel: I don't know.....Cassandra....I know we didn't have a good start, but....she helped me conquer my fear of water.....and if James--

Sarah: Hey,'s not going to come to that, okay? She's going to be okay....

Rachel sheds a tear, before wiping it.

Rachel:'re right....

Sarah sighs.

Sarah: So, you and Moses, huh?

Rachel smiles.

Rachel: Yeah.....

Sarah: He's cute....and he's a nice boy...I see why you like him.

Out in the valley, Kyle and Caleb are enroute through the valley.

Caleb: Well, this place is definitely suitable for us.

Kyle: Let's hope it's suitable for Cassandra....for her health.

Caleb looks back, noticing Kyle in thought.

Caleb: You okay?

Kyle: How could I let this happen?

Caleb: Oh, don't do that, man. Don't go and blame yourself.

Kyle: Cassandra's my responsibility. You all are.

Caleb: That doesn't mean you have to blame yourself just cause something bad, need I remind you that Cassandra is still alive. You still have a chance....and with a bit of luck, maybe this place will give us all a new chance; a new start. She's definitely going to love it out and James.

Kyle: So, what's been making you want a woman so much?

Caleb: I guess...over the past few years since seeing you and Sarah, James and Cassandra....Shawn and Kayla....even Joseph and Margaret....makes me want that.

Kyle: Wonder how she's doing. Margaret, I mean....

Caleb: Well, with a loss like Joseph...I mean, can't imagine losing someone you loved partially eaten....

Kyle: You know he was bitten before the Sanctuary, right?

Caleb: I know. Doesn't make it right, though?

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