At the railroad museum, Shawn, Chris and Margaret continue looking around for the snowplow, with Chris eventually finding one.
Chris: Got it!
Shawn: You shitting me?
Shawn, Chris and Margaret locate the snowplow.
Shawn: Fucking A....
At the Myrmidon, with Cassandra resting, Sarah, Rachel, Kayla, Moses and Rocky are discussing his recent conversation.
Moses: And they want to recruit us?
Rocky: Yeah....I don't believe it, either. You ask me; Kyle should've just shot them both.
Sarah turns.
Sarah: Is that who we are? We shoot people on sight now?
Kayla: Yeah....we're not those kind of people.
Rocky sighs.
Rachel: What if they're people like us? What if they're someone who's telling the truth? Someone we haven't crossed?
Moses: We're people with guns, who are on our guard.
Sarah: But we're also here to save Cassandra...and those people didn't kill Kyle and Abigail on sight.
Rocky: After all the shit we've done, the people we've killed, why would he want us to join his group?
Sarah sighs.
Sarah: People like us saved the world from the radioactive fluid to give the world another chance....people like us saved a girl who rolled to our gate with the Reapers....
Rachel: Saved a teenage kid from her bastard of a father. They can see that.
Rocky: I don't know what he sees.....but it's not what he thinks.
Cassandra is heard coughing, but before Kayla walks back into her quarters.
Kayla: Cassandra! Hey! I'm here!
Kayla treats Cassandra.
Kayla: Casandra....
Cassandra: Kyle...where's James?
Kayla: Him, Kyle and Abigail are on a run for the medicine....they found survivors.....
Cassandra: Survivors? From where?
In the center of the city, Abigail, with her gas mask, equipped, finally reaches the institute. Abigail then checks her gieger counter ticking, before she looks down.
Abigail: Shit....this radiation is no joke.....
Abigail then hears noises, and equips her weapon, searching the institute for the medicine. After travelling to the upper stairs, Abigail finally manages to locate the medicine.
Abigail: Yes!
Abigail then places the medicine in his backpack, then contacts the Myrmidon.
Abigail: James, do you copy?! Chris?!
Chris: Come in. Abigail? That you?
Abigail: Sure is! I got the medicine!
Chris: Thank god!
Abigail: I'm about to head back outside to contact Kyle and-
Suddenly, Abigail is attacked from behind by a mutated gorilla, causing her to drop the radio.
Chris: Abigail?! Abigail! Do you copy?!
The mutated gorilla then impales Abigail in the shoulder, causing him to topple over. The gorilla then backhands Abigail, causing her to be knocked onto the fire escape. The gorilla then climbs on the fire escape and attacks Abigail, hitting her gas mask and causing it to break. The fire escape then falls on the ground, but Abigail then finds her railgun and shoots the mutated gorilla dead. Abigail then stands up and realizes her gas mask is broken, exposing her to the deadly radiation. Abigail, beginning to become heavily eradiated, falls to the wall. His vision becomes blurry and her eyes become bloodshot red. Abigail then looks down at his state and his gieger counter ticking rapidly, before she hears laughing. Abigail then turns to laughing, shocked to see an hallucination of the deceased Selene, partially eaten.

Chronicles of the Apocalypse: Across the Ruins (2024)
ActionSet months after their losses both of homes and loved ones, Kyle and what remains of his group must travel across the wasteland in a brutal and bloody journey to find a new home. R for Strong Bloody Post-Apocalyptic Violence, Disturbing Images, Per...