At the Myrmidon, Kayla approaches Kyle.
Kayla: Kyle, thank you again...for saving us. Sorry, I'm repeating myself a lot. It's just....Savannah and I have been trapped here for over a year.....
Kyle sighs.
Kyle: Look, Kayla.....I know why you want to talk to me....and the truth is; we just don't have the room.
Kayla: Yeah...well, I can't let Savannah stay here....even if you won't take me, at least take her...
Kyle: Kayla....where we're could be a dangerous journey....we don't know what lies ahead. Plus, have you ever killed a person before?
A moment of silence.
Kayla: Yes....I shot two men.....
Kyle: Why?
Kayla: As a woman, you could imagine....and what would've happened to my sister afterwards....They tried to take what they couldn't have....Look, Kyle, I get it, but....there is another way for room for my sister and me. There's a carriage to the terminal not to far....
Kyle: How are we getting there? Cause we can't take the train there....not in her state. I'm sorry, Kayla.....but we just don't have the space.
Kyle turns and notices Shawn, who is folding his arms. Kayla gives a distraught look. Kyle walks past Shawn.
Shawn: can't seriously consider leaving her and the little girl here, are you?
Kyle: Shawn....I get why you want them to come with us, especially Kayla, but—
Shawn: Kyle, we can at least give them a chance.
Shortly after finding tampons, Cassandra and Rachel continue on their run, reaching a large satellite on top of a hill.
Cassandra: know how these work, right?
Rachel: Yeah....thanks for going with me, by the way.
Cassandra: Trust me, honey. As a woman, I've been through this thousands of times.
Cassandra looks at the antenna.
Cassandra: Hmmm....
Rachel: What?
Cassandra: If only we could make use of these antennas.
Rachel: No....the top of the antenna is busted to shit.
Cassandra: What?
Rachel points to the antenna, with the busted array dish.
Cassandra: Well, damn....that sucks.
Rachel: Hey, Cassandra...what month is it?
Cassandra: February. The 23rd I believe. Why?
Rachel: birthday is next month.
Cassandra: Really? old will you be?
Rachel: Sarah, I'm—
Cassandra: Oh, right. You're fourteen, so you'll be fifteen. Well, we'll definitely think of something for you—
Rachel: Oh, no. You don't have to-
Cassandra: I know I don't, but I want to....I mean you're only fifteen--
As Cassandra is walking, the ground beneath her suddenly gives in and she falls into the ammo dump below, with the atmosphere being extremely toxic.
Rachel: Cassandra!
Cassandra: I'm okay....
Cassandra begins to cough as she realizes the environment around her.

Chronicles of the Apocalypse: Across the Ruins (2024)
ActionSet months after their losses both of homes and loved ones, Kyle and what remains of his group must travel across the wasteland in a brutal and bloody journey to find a new home. R for Strong Bloody Post-Apocalyptic Violence, Disturbing Images, Per...