Chapter 23: New Faces, New Town

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A day after Abigail's funeral, Rachel is looking out into a pack of infected as Moses approaches.

Moses: Hey....

Rachel turns her head to Moses.

Rachel: Hey....

Moses: Can I join you?

Rachel raises her hand out, then Moses approaches and stands next to Rachel.

Moses: Feel that winter breeze....winter was never my favorite season. Too much snow....but as a really kid, I loved building a snowman....

Rachel: We should take them out. Those infected.

Moses: Them?'s a small pack. They'll go away sometime soon.

Rachel: We can take em out. I can.....

Moses: Rachel....

Rachel: What?

Moses gently touches Rachel's shoulder.

Moses: You want to talk about it?

Rachel sighs.

Rachel: She was my best friend. The first best friend I've ever had and she wanted to feel like she belonged. The day I met her, she betrayed her former group, this biker gang called the Reapers. They were bad people, but she wasn't. Rocky found her and they both joined us.

Moses: She died saving Cassandra. She's alive, because of her.

Rachel sheds a tear for the loss of her closest friend, before Moses puts a hand over her shoulder. Rachel turns and smiles at Moses.

Rachel: Least I still I have you.

Moses: do.

Rachel kisses Moses passionately. Margaret watches the teens from afar and sighs at this, before Margaret twists her lips, before walking away, before bumping into Rocky, who offers alcohol.

Rocky: It'll take you off the edge.....

Margaret: Will it?

Rocky: No....but the route you're going, it'll push you to the've still got your friends.

Margaret sighs, before walking off as Rocky takes another swig of his alcohol. Anna is walking around just as Peter is smiling.

Peter: You're walking again....

Anna: Yeah...Kayla did a great job fixing my ankle....I like her...almost as much as Shawn does and that little girl.....she's so cute!

On a rainy night, the survivors are resting for the night with James and Cassandra sitting on the hood of a car. James hands Cassandra a bottle of water.

James: How are you feeling?

Cassandra: A lot better than I did for the past few months.....this medicine really did its job.

James: did.

Cassandra gives a look as James notices.

James: What?

Cassandra: Nothing....

James: Sarah....that's not a nothing look.

Cassandra: How would you know?

James: You've called me on my bullshit before. Now I'm calling you on yours.

Cassandra: Alright, you got me.

James: What is it?

Cassandra: When I was.....gone for a while....I saw my Mom....Blake and Maya....Uncle Zed......I almost joined them, but then my Dad told me to turn around and come back to you....because this family needed more.

Chronicles of the Apocalypse: Across the Ruins (2024)Where stories live. Discover now