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Finally got another story down! Had a lot of fun writing this one, it was a bit of a challenge so I hope y'all like it!

By the way, this picture above is a dimorphodon, and these guys are a big player in this story.


"Hey Ari! We got a new trainer!"

I sighed. I can't believe they hired someone even after I told them that I could handle this all by myself.

"No! Why? I told Claire that I didn't need a partner!"

"He's not for the dimorphodons," Sonya, my head subordinate said. "He's training the velociraptors."

I gawked at her. "Velociraptors? So it's not a rumor, it's true they hatched raptors?"

"That's right. I'm pretty sure you're gonna meet him today or tomorrow. You know that bungalow that's next to yours?"

"Yeah," I responded. "It belonged to the dude that died trying to feed the T-Rex."

"Well, he's gonna be moving in," Sonya smirked. "And apparently he's a stud too. It may be a perk to live right next to each other in a secluded spot..."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not looking for a boyfriend, Sonya, so get your head out of the gutter."

She giggled. "Well apparently we're gonna meet him and his other hands tomorrow morning for brunch."

"Who arranged that?"

"Claire Dearing. Who else?"

"Alright... I can't wait to meet him."


Okay, he was a stud. He was ripped and lean at the same time, I don't know how that's possible, but he was proof. His facial hair perfectly extenuated his high cheekbones, and his tanned skin showed how much time he spent outside.

"Hi, my name is Owen. Owen Grady," he said in a llaid-backmanner that somehow managed to sound slightly professional. "I'm the new raptor trainer around here."

"Ari Rengler." I shook his hand with a smile. "I run the Dimo show."

"Dimo show?" He raised his eyebrows. I nodded.

"Mhmm. Dimorphodons. Under the pterosaur umbrella, I run an acrobatic show with a group of four siblings."

"Wow, that's pretty impressive," he smirked as we headed to a large table together that sat mine and his dino handlers.

"Isn't everything here impressive?"

"Well of course, but you're personally training a show," Owen exclaimed. "That's gotta count for more than just impressive. You're risking your life for that."

"Come on," I responded playfully. "Velociraptors are no joke either, and they're probably way more dangerous than what I deal with! I didn't know that the velociraptors were actually going to be hatched, I thought it was just a rumor. How old are they?"

"They're about three weeks out of their eggs, so there's not much that we can do with them yet but observe their behavior," Owen said. We reached the large table and he pulled out a chair for me before sitting in his own seat next to mine.

We didn't really get a chance to talk much more before Claire started the meeting. She introduced everyone to their respective counterparts as we all ate our brunch. Every once in a while she would say something a little too annoying and Owen and I snickered to each other before snapping back to attention when Claire cleared her throat.

She dismissed us and we all dispersed and went back to work. I had a show at 1 and 3 O'Clock, and it was already 11:30, so I had to rush. I said a quick goodbye to Owen before rushing off toward my motorcycle and, along with my fellow handlers, drove off toward my mini-aviary.


I went home that day around 5:30, excited to meet Owen once more. I found him drinking a beer on a lawn chair overlooking the lake that we lived next to.

"Hey!" I called out to him as I dismounted my motorcycle. He looked over and stood up to meet me.

"Hey," He said. "How were your shows today?"

"Pretty good," I responded with a nod. "Some dumbass kid threw something onto the glass and scared my dinosaurs a little. Nothing I couldn't handle though. How were the raptors today?"

"It was kind of boring honestly," He said, walking toward a cooler and grabbing me a beer. "Three-week-old raptors are not as interesting as you think."

"I get that. My dimos couldn't fly for six weeks, so we kinda had to watch them crawl around until they got tired and then we got to go home. Don't worry though, I'm sure they'll get way more interesting soon." I shot him a wink. He chuckled.

"Why do you call them dimos?" he asked. I nodded.

"Short for dimorphodon. It just sounds cooler and easier for kids to pronounce."

"I'm gonna have to see a show sometime." He took a sip of beer and looked out at the lake again. "You're the newest attraction right?"

"That's right," I responded before taking a sip of my own beer. "We trained for a year before opening to the public about 8 months ago. And maybe you can meet them too."

"Really?" His head snapped toward me, a super giddy look on his face. "That sounds awesome!"

"Well, my last show of the day starts at 4:30," I said. "How about you come then and I'll let you meet them after?"

"Sounds like a plan." He held up his bottle and we clinked our drinks together before taking a nice sip and falling into silence, enjoying the evening. As the sun sank into the horizon, I stood up.

"I'm a little tired, I think I'm gonna go to bed early tonight. I've got a lot of work to do tomorrow." I stretched before heading toward my bungalow. Owen stood up as well.

"Alright," he said. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Have a good night," I told him.

"Yeah, you too."

Just In Case (Owen Grady- Jurassic World)Where stories live. Discover now