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We drove into the valley and stopped in an open field. We stopped in front of a dead brachiosaur.

"Stay in the car," Owen said to Claire as he and I got out of the car.

We approached it slowly until I saw that it was still breathing.

"Oh god it's still alive!" I then sprinted toward her head. I dropped to my knees in front of her, Owen closely behind.

"It's alright baby..." I whispered to her. She groaned as I looked along her body. It was covered in gashes and blood. I looked back down at her as her noises became weaker.

"I know honey, I know..." I caressed her head as Claire kneeled with us when she got out of the car. She placed her hand on the dinosaur's chin as she took her last breath.

I slowly got up and walked away to get a look at more of the valley.

"Oh no..."

"What?" Owen asked, suddenly next to me and Claire close behind him. She gasped and placed her hands over her mouth as we looked at more carcasses strewn about the field.

"It didn't eat them," Owen mumbled. "It's killing for sport."


We continued to drive into the jungle and eventually came across a destroyed gyro sphere. Claire jumped out of the car before Owen and I, looking around frantically before spotting something.

"Nonononono!" She cried as she bent down to pick up a phone that most likely belonged to one of the boys.

Owen looked around before taking out his army knife and digging a tooth out of the wreckage and inspecting it. I looked around as well before spotting some footprints that lead away from the damage.

"Hey," I said and caught Claire's attention. "They made it out."

She took a big sigh of relief and we followed the footprints toward a river and waterfall. They stopped there.

"Oh my god they jumped!" Claire gasped. Owen slung his rifle behind his back.

"Brave kids," he said.

"ZACH! GRAY!" Claire screamed. Owen and I both shushed her.

"Hey I am not one of your damn animals!" She yelled at him.

"Listen!" Owen whispered. "Those kids are alive but we will not be if you continue to scream like that."

"So." Claire looked around. "You guys can pick up their scent can't you? Uh- track their footprints?"

"I was with the Navy, not the Navajo!" Owen said.

"So then what do you suggest we do?" Claire hissed.

"You get back! Ari and I will find them."

"No!" Claire whispered. "We'll find them!"

"You'll last two minutes in there!" I said. "Less in those ridiculous shoes."

Claire deadpanned at the both of us as she unbuckled her belt and her shirt. She tied it around her waist and rolled up her sleeves, then placed her hands on her hips.

Owen glanced at me and I shrugged.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked. Claire looked down.

"It means I'm ready to go," she said defiantly.

"Okay," Owen gave in. I rolled my eyes in frustration. She was just gonna slow us down. "But let's get one thing straight. We're in charge out here. You do everything Ari and I say exactly as we say it."

"Excuse me?" Claire retorted. She was obviously not used to being a subordinate.

"Just relax," Owen said as he cocked his gun. "It's just like taking a stroll through the woods. 65 million years ago."

Clair huffed before pushing past us. I stopped Owen for a second and gestured to a footprint made by the Indominous Rex. It was huge.

"Let's go." Owen pulled me away and patted my back.


We continued to walk through the jungle until we heard an engine roar to life and fade away. We headed toward it until we found an old garage. The door was open and Owen headed in to pick something up.

"This one of theirs?" He held up a jacket. Claire nodded, out of breath as she turned toward the road that lead away from the garage.

"That road goes straight back to the park," she said. I looked around and saw an old car battery.

"How did they even get one of these started?" I asked myself. I explored the shelf and found come jumper cables, then opened the hood of the second car in the garage.

Suddenly, a loud stomp sounded near us, shaking the chains hanging from the ceiling. Claire gasped and hid behind Owen and I. The stomps came closer, and we all sat down in front of the van where the dinosaur couldn't see us.

It poked it's head into the garage and sniffed around. It was too big to actually look around. It jostled the van around with it's head but didn't see us. It growled before retreating out of the garage.

I sighed in relief as Owen slowly grabbed his rifle that had been out of reach when we were stuck. He was about to relax until the monster crashed through the roof of the building and roared at us. It snapped it's jaw and we all ran.

"Go go GO!" I screamed at Claire to move. She did so and we all ran through the old park building and outside.

Owen held out his hand to help Claire, but she ignored him as she ran past. I took that hand and pulled him along to run.

"Lowery!" Claire had called the control room. "We found her. South of the gyro sphere valley between the old park and the aviary."

Someone responded something, but we couldn't here it.

"Yes, get ACU out here, real guns this time."

Another answer.

"Who's flying it?"

She hung up the phone when she got her answer. We continued to run as we reached a cliff that overlooked the aviary from afar. Just in time to see the helicopter crash into it, releasing pterodactyls and dimorphodons into the air.

"No no no!" I screamed. "My Dimos, they're near the aviary! No no!"

The dinosaurs flew closer and once I came back to my senses, I ordered Owen and Claire.

"Trees! Trees! Go!" The two complied and ran after me, just ducking into the forest before anything could get to us.

Just In Case (Owen Grady- Jurassic World)Where stories live. Discover now