Lunch with an Alpha

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Alright this is the last chapter before the events of Jurassic World really start. This chapter will provide a little history of Ari and her studies.

Mentions of anxiety and panic attacks*

The next day, Owen and I drove to the Raptor enclosure on our motorcycles to train.

"So what do you do to start off the day?" I asked enthusiastically.

"First we let them run free for an hour or two, get out all that energy before we do anything. During that time, we study how they interact with each other. How they play, how they fight, and how they hunt. We're supposed to report it to our superiors." Owen sauntered into the cage and before letting them loose, pulled me in too.

"Let's introduce you to them one more time, shall we? They might be a little too old to imprint, but it's nice to continue their exposure to you while they're young so that they're comfortable."

He again led my hand toward Blue's snout. She growled once again, but with Owen right there beside me, she calmed down rather quickly. Owen and I smiled at each other before moving on to the other raptors. With Blue's acceptance of me, the others came along quickly.

"Would you look at that..." Owen trailed off.

"What?" I was still caressing Delta's head and didn't take my eyes off of her as I spoke.

"We still don't know that much about these little guys, but we thought that they might not be able to imprint, but they seem to already be comfortable with you."

I took my hand and eyes away from Delta to look Owen straight in the eyes.

"I may have only just met them, but I have a pack of dinosaurs too. Don't you dare forget that, Mr. Grady." I smirked and winked at him before turning toward Echo and slowly placed my hand onto her snout. A low growl was all I got.

"Alright," Owen started. "I think it's time we set these animals loose! How about it Blue?"

I jumped a little as the raptors roared. I don't know how they were able to make such a loud noise with their mouths forced closed. I backed up as Owen unlocked each of the harnesses and the raptors' heads each disappeared before their entire forms appeared and burst into the paddock.

"Wow... they are amazing!"

"I know," Owen said as he appeared right at my shoulder. "I'm lucky I get to be here."

I didn't realize he was looking at me instead of the dinosaurs until I looked back at him.

"Oh, hi!" I gasped in surprise. I was about to say something too, but my phone ringing interrupted me.

It was my Dimo ringtone. Something was wrong.


"Shit." I looked at Owen in apology as I answered my phone. "What's happening?"

Sonya, my coworker, sounded frantic. "Maverick is freaking out we don't know what to do! We tried feeding him but he's not eating."

I could hear growls and roars through the phone as well. Obviously, Owen could too, because he looked at me with a concerned eyebrow raised. I held up a finger before speaking again.

"Okay alright, I'm on my way. Do NOT get near Maverick or the Dimos. Let me handle it."

I hung up the phone before turning to Owen once more.

"I'm sorry I have to go. Something is happening with Maverick." I run toward the outer door of the safety cage and he opens it for me with a push of a button. "Thank you."

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