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"So that's how it is," Owen said, trying to stay calm for the kids and Claire.

I squeezed my eyes shut, scared for the end, but before she could snap at me, Maverick jumped in front of me and roared.

The two snapped at each other, but neither of them got the upper hand until I yelled at Maverick to stop.

"Maverick fly!" I cried. So that's what he did. He rose into the air and flew away, but not before giving a nice gash to Delta. With Maverick in the air, she turned back to me and came closer than she had before.

"Delta!" Owen ordered her to stop. Somehow, she did, and we were back in the same spot, a standoff between prey and predator.

Blue hissed as she took a step closer to Owen. He dropped his gun and took a mirrored step toward her. He reached out his hand.

"Easy," he said. "Easy."

He gently clicked off the headset and it fell to the ground.

"That's it..." he whispered. They didn't have but a moment before we heard a roar from the other side of the yard. The Indominous Rex approached, her steps shaking the ground.

She attempted to order the raptors to her bidding. Blue stayed quiet and looked back at us. She turned again to roar at the I-Rex. She roared back and swiped at Blue, throwing her into a building, knocking her unconscious.

The two raptors beside us roared once more, and with Owen's commanding whistle, they attacked the enemy. They kept her distracted and Claire and the kids ran to safety into a gift shop.

Owen and I stayed outside and shot at the colossal dinosaur, but it did nothing. Owen jumped behind a statue of a mosquito frozen in amber, and I ran behind a building.

Suddenly I had an idea. I pulled out my Dimo whistle and blew it as hard as I could. Nobody but them could hear it, not even the other dinosaurs.

I turned to see a raptor thrown onto a grill and burned alive and Claire running away.

How the hell has she survived this long with those ridiculous high heels?

I jumped from behind the building and shot at the dinosaur as she rattled the building with her gigantic head. She slowly turned toward me and let out an ear splitting screech.

"Oh god..." I turned and ran as fast as I could. She ran toward me. I could feel her breath on my back until flying dimorphodons attacked her.

All four of them were alive, paint still covering their bodies as they bit at and gashed the dinosaur. I circled back and ran toward the gift shop that Owen and the kids were in.

Her big jaw clamped down on Athena, devouring her in one bite. I covered my mouth as I sat down on the wall, and Gray shrank into me again.

I opened my eyes to see a small red light, followed by a tyrannic figure following closely behind.

Claire threw the flare at the Indominous, directing its attention away from my Dimos and toward the new adversary.

They roared and fought as Claire crawled away toward some boulders.

My Dimos did the best they could, but the three were not able to distract the Indominous well enough to prevent the defeat of the tyrannosaur. The Indominous threw her opponent around and we narrowly avoided her head crashing through the gift shop.

"RUN!" Claire cried. We did so and sprinted toward her. Gray still clung to me as we ran. We were able to make it to the boulders right before the Indominous prepared to kill the tyrant lizard.

Suddenly we heard a chorus of little screeches, and we turned to see Blue running across the yard and my surviving Dimos flying in tow.

Blue jumped onto the Indominous' back, right to where her mouth couldn't reach, and my Dinos flew around her head, disorienting her even more.

The tyrannosaurus now had time to get up and reenter the fight, going for the Indominous' neck.

Our group of puny humans continued to run, somehow avoiding the huge feet that stomped everywhere through the fight.

She was knocked down, destroying the fenced barrier between the land and sea. She got up and roared one last time before the mosasaurus leaped out of the water and pulled her into the sea.

It was over.

Just In Case (Owen Grady- Jurassic World)Where stories live. Discover now