Raptors and Dimos

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I'll probably release more quickly than previous stories, because I already have it written. But I'm not gonna release it all at once- gotta keep suspense! Maybe one or two updates per week.

I tried to capture Owen's attitude in his interactions with Ari, but sorry if it's wrong lol. Hope you enjoy it!


"So, which one is which again?" Owen asked me. After the performance, I invited him to come and meet my dimorphodons. I had introduced each one in the show but they were all around the same size and color. I showed him to the first cage.

"The oldest one here is Athena. She's feisty and strong but patient with her brothers and sister. She commands them. Her wings are still a little big for her body, but she'll grow."

I moved to the next cage, and Owen followed, full of wonder. "This one is Maverick. He's the biggest of the four, he knows what he's doing, but resisted me the most when I started training them like a defiant middle child. We're good now though, right Mav?"

I slowly reached my hand into the cage and he let me stroke his snout, huffing. Owen tensed up when I did, having not yet formed that strong bond of trust with his raptors yet, as they were still only 3 weeks out of their eggs. But when he saw I was fine, he relaxed a little bit, muscles still poised though.

I moved to the next cage. "This one is Ranger. He's nimble and quick. Best with tricks and the most people friendly. I still don't allow him to get that close to the glass, for safety reasons." Owen nodded in confirmation.

"Now this last cage holds Dawn. She's shy, as the youngest of the group. She doesn't do a ton of tricks, mostly just flies and crawls around the aviary, a filler for the audience to watch. She's coming out of her shell though. I'm trying to figure out a way to get her more involved in the show."

"Any ideas?" Owen asked. "On what to do with her?"

"I might have her fly through some hoops that I'm trying to get installed in the aviary," I said, turning back to him.

God, he really was handsome. His muscles were prominent under his shirt, and they rippled when he lifted anything remotely heavy. I couldn't help but hold my breath whenever he stared at me for an extended period of time, and could only exhale when he looked away.

"So you've worked with them since they were born?" He asked, looking back at me.

"We have a relationship. It's based on mutual trust." I said to him and averted my gaze to approach Dawn, who slightly backed away.

"It's okay babe," I reassured her. "It's me, it's me. Shhhhh." Dawn slowly approached my hand again and placed her snout upon it. I smiled at her before leading Owen back to Ranger's cage.

"Would you like to meet him? He'd be the only one that would let you touch him right now. Maybe."

He slowly crept toward the cage, stopping whenever Ranger made a noise. He knew what was happening, and was getting uncomfortable. Ranger moved away from my hand and scrambled back, getting as far away as possible and roaring at Owen, and getting the others' attention as well. They growled at him, especially Athena, who flung herself against the bars of her cage.

"Maybe not today then." I chuckled. Owen had already backed away quietly, and I led him out of the containment. "Sorry about that, it takes a while for them. Ranger likes to see the audience mostly because he knows they're powerless against him. Seeing you in a position of possible authority over him though may have been a problem. They'll come around I promise." I said after we walked in silence for a little while, back toward our bungalows. They were a little more than a mile away, but it was a nice day so we decided to walk instead of ride.

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