New Alpha

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Eventually, we met up with the raptor group and were able to stop for a couple seconds. Owen whistled for the raptors to slow and I held up a hand for my Dimos to stop and land. We all held our breath as the two leaders of each group slowly approached each other, growling.The dinosaurs all inspected each other, but they were surprisingly not very aggressive, just baring teeth.

I looked at Owen giddily as Athena and Blue accepted each other and looked toward us. He gave me a wink back before holding out the flesh of the I-Rex for the dinosaurs to smell again. Blue narrowed her eyes and barked at her group, and Athena rose from the ground, signaling hers to follow.

They got back on track and the raptors charged ahead, and my Dimos followed closely behind.

Owen drove in front with the running raptors and I was close behind. My Dimos stayed next to me as we rode through the jungle, but when the raptors slowed down, they all fanned out into the trees and continued to climb around from there. I tried to keep my eyes on them, but I quickly lost sight of them in the branches. Every once in a while I thought I caught a glimpse of yellow or red, but I couldn't know for sure.

The raptors stopped and we all held our breath as the beast came into view. She was worse than I remembered. Her teeth were coated in dry blood, yet when she opened her mouth, spt and saliva flew from it. It seemed like they were talking to each other.

"Something is wrong..." Barry mumbled. "They're communicating."

They continued to "talk" to one another as we waited.

"I know why they wouldn't tell us what it's made of," Owen muttered. "That thing's part raptor."

A few moments after he said it, one of the troops yelled, "ENGAGE!"


People started shooting at the thing, so I lit it up too. No time to waste. A rocket launched at it and it was engulfed in fire. I jumped to my feet. Was it really over?

Of course, it wasn't. The dinosaur got up and disappeared from view. The raptors were nowhere to be seen, but we could still hear them. I definitely saw, for a brief moment, a bright yellow wing zoom through the trees, but I couldn't find any of my other Dimos.

Please be okay...

"Watch your six!" Owen commanded as we all stalked the now flaming forest, weapons ready. "Raptors got a new alpha!"

Somehow I got separated, I found myself alone even though I could hear the screams of dying troops as raptors devoured them.

Suddenly an explosion was heard, and I knew that a dinosaur was dead, and not the correct one. I ran toward it, hoping that someone was there. I spotted a familiar figure slowly getting up from the grass.

"Owen!" I helped him up just in time to see Barry hiding from Blue, who was tearing up the log he was hiding in.

"Blue!" He cried. The dinosaur did not stop until a screech sounded from the air above her. I looked up from Owen's motorcycle to see a red flash swoop down and distract the raptor.

"Good Ranger!" I yelled as Owen revved the motorcycle's engine and led Blue away from Barry. I gripped his waist as he drove.

We found the van that held the kids and Claire, speeding along the road.

"Owen! Ari!" The boys cried as we sped up to the front.

"We gotta get indoors! Follow me," Owen yelled to Claire and then sped even further in the front of the van.

We rode back to the central square and hopped off our vehicles and ran toward the main building.

"Control room! This way!" Claire led us into the lab only to stop at the door and find an empty scientific lab, save for a few living snakes and lizards in cages.


We turned to the sound of a chest being opened. Men were putting tubes and vials into it before locking it closed and carrying it away.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm afraid that's above your pay grade Ari," Hoskins walked in. He was a too arrogant, he always was.

"Where's Henry?" Claire asked him.

"Doctor Wu? He works for us," he said.

"Is that a real dinosaur?" Gray interrupted the monologue. There was that curiosity again... Hoskins looked that the computer next to him. It had a detailed visual of the Indominous Rex.

"No, it ain't, kid. But somebody's gotta make sure this company has a future. Imagine. That one, a fraction of the size, deadly, intelligent, and able to hide from the most advanced military technology. A living weapon, unlike anything we've ever seen."

Gray shrank behind me and I wrapped my arm around him in comfort.

"You see," Hoskins continued. "Millions of years of evolution. What did we learn? Nature is a gift- SHIT!"

A roar sounded behind us, and we turned to see Maverick, coated in blue paint, stalking toward Hoskins. I backed up and put everyone behind me, including Owen. He trusted me more than himself to handle this.

"Easy!" Hoskins begged him. "Easy boy! Easy!" Maverick continued to walk toward him. "We're on the same side, right? Right? Easy. Easy."

Suddenly, Maverick snapped his jaw through Hoskins' arm and he let out the most pained scream. Blood spattered all over the glass walls as I urged the group to run.

"Go! Go!"

We all sprinted out of the lab, but we couldn't get very far before we were blocked by a velociraptor in our way.

"Other way! Other way!"

Turned on our heels and ran toward the main door of the building. The raptor chased us, and  so did Maverick. As we ran, Gray managed to press a button that activated a hologram of another dinosaur, stopping Echo in her tracks, Maverick flew right above and through the door before we slammed it shut.

We ran again, only to be met by the other two surviving raptors, Blue facing right in front of us. Delta was getting closer to me, so close she could take a bite out of me.

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