The Asset?

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Three years later
The events of Jurassic World begin

"There are American employees here, both part of a research program one of my companies is running. Owen Grady and Ari Rengler."

Claire sighed. "I am familiar with their names."

"I want you to bring them in," Mr. Masrani said. "Maybe they'll see something we can't."

I had managed to get approved for a bigger aviary, 20 feet taller than the original and 200 feet wider. It was harder to manage, but the shows were bringing in more money and the tricks were getting even more impressive. We painted each Dimo's wings for the show so that the audience could tell them apart. Athena was violet purple, Maverick was royal blue, Ranger was blood red, and Dawn had a vibrant yellow.

I had managed to work a whistle into their training. It was sort of like a dog whistle, something only they could hear. Every once in a while I still clicked my tongue at them because they didn't respond sometimes. But it worked most of the time now.

Dawn had completely come out of her shell and became a fast flyer that loved to twirl and dive into the pond, where fish were regularly put in for the Dimo consumption.

Athena had grown to be the biggest and strongest of the group, performing the most complicated tricks and scolding her younger siblings when they wouldn't listen to me and had become a real leader.

Maverick had grown into his wings and was normally the main focus of the show. Sometimes I would just stop directing and just let him do his thing while Athena directed the rest. He did still have bad anxiety. There had been multiple panic and anxiety attacks throughout the past three years, but his siblings cared for him when the episodes occurred, and they always passed.

Ranger was becoming even more outgoing with the audience, often coming right up to the glass (I decided to finally let him do that as he seemed safe enough for the human audience) and even touching the glass. I was able to make up a presentation about the dimorphodon as he and the others showed off.

"Not very much is known about the history of the dimorphodon, but scientists speculate that their diets varied from insects to small mammals."

I would then have Sonya, from outside the aviary, let a few lizards inside. I blew my whistle at Dawn, who dove down and snatched one of them up, devouring it in one quick chomp. The audience oohed and awwed at the speed.

"The dimorphodon had a quick bite and needle-sharp teeth, but didn't have a lot of force behind it. Cannibalism wasn't an option."

I smiled as the rest of the Dimos snatched up their own respective iguanas before starting again.

"Believe it or not, dimorphodons, despite their big wings, often chose to climb instead of fly. Think of them as big scary carnivorous squirrels."

I blew my whistle again and all of the Dimos climbed up the glass to the top before diving to the ground and landing in the open middle of the ground as they roared with pride. The audience cheered and clapped for the dinosaurs.

They flew around and I conducted a few more tricks for the audience before the show was over.

"Alright, folks! Thank you for coming to see my dimorphodons! We all appreciate you for your support, and now please have a Jurassic time at Jurassic World!"

I took a bow, signaling to Athena to direct her siblings into their respective cages for the day. It was our last show, we only had two. One at 10:00 am, and another at 1:00 pm, so I fed all of them a big hearty meal.

"Good job today guys, couldn't have done any better!"

Ranger chittered in amusement, prompting the others to do the same. I quieted them down before leaving the containment unit and going back to my bungalow.

Just In Case (Owen Grady- Jurassic World)Where stories live. Discover now