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Back at the park, we were able to get a four wheeler and travel to the gates. I sat behind Owen and wrapped my arms around his waist, Claire did the same for me. Off in the distance, I heard the alarm blare.

"Ladies and gentlemen, due to a containment anomaly, all guests must take shelter immediately."

The alarm continued to blare as we drove, making me sick to my stomach. We could hear the screams and wails from almost a mile away.

We finally stopped in the main paddock area and got off. Both Owen and I with our guns sprinted toward the gate and into the crowd. A bunch of guards and troops stood between him and I as Claire hopped onto an overturned cart and screamed her nephews' names.

We shot down incoming dinosaurs much to my dismay. Suddenly a dimorphodon, not one of mine thank goodness, tackled Owen and his gun slid away from him.

"Owen!" I cried as I ran toward him. A couple of tourists pushed me out of the way, slowing me down. The dimorphodon snapped at his back, but he was able to hold it away until Claire knocked it in its head with the but of a rifle and kill it.

She pulled him up and continued to look around until her eyes spotted something in the crowd.

"Zach! Gray!" She screamed as she ran toward two children. She fussed over them for a few moments while I ran to Owen.

"I could have lost you," I mumbled into his shoulder. He clutched me tightly and didn't say anything, just breathed hard.

"Who's that?" One of Claire's nephews asked. She looked back to us, eyes darting between us.

"Uh, we work together."

"Come on," Owen ordered. "We gotta go."

"Lowery, I'm on my way back to you," Claire said into her phone. "What do you mean use the raptors and Dimos?"

"Son of a bitch!" Owen growled as a helicopter flew overhead.

"You shouldn't say bitch," Gray muttered before we turned to see the gates crash open with a hoard of frightened tourists.

"Take the kids," Owen said yelled. "Hey them someplace safe."

We all hopped into a van, the kids and I in the back, Owen driving with Claire in the passenger seat.

"Go! Go drive!" I screamed.

"You got this you got this!" Zach encouraged him as Owen put the van in reverse and sped backward. We were able to back into a corner to wait out the stampede.

"This does not feel safe. Can we stay with you?" Zach asked out of breath.

"I am never leaving you as long as you live!" Claire huffed.

"No no," the nephews interrupted her. "Them." Gray patted me on the shoulder and Zach gripped Owen's.

"Yeah, yeah, definitely them..."

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