5 Allies

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My Dimos had landed, and the five dinosaurs still remaining stood in a small circle before the T-Rex turned and limped away. It seemed as though all had made a truce, at least for now.

Owen stepped forward as Blue looked back. He gave a little shake of his head and she ran away. The only velociraptor still standing.

My turn.

My Dimos turned toward me and I let go of Gray. I stepped toward them, a little in front of Owen. Maverick crawled right up to my face and nuzzled my shoulder, much like a puppy would his owner.

"It's alright," I cooed. "You're safe now. You're all safe now."

The other two, Ranger and Dawn, both came up behind Maverick and when he stepped away, did the same thing. I pet each one of them before Maverick ordered something to them.

Now, the eldest of the group, Maverick had undoubtably become the new alpha. I wondered how they would help him through the anxiety now that he had the big responsibility. Hopefully the same way.

At his command, they all flew away, back toward the forests of the island. As their colors disappeared from view, I kneeled in relief and mourning.

My Athena was gone, but the others were alright. The humans in my group were safe.

Owen placed his hand on my shoulder as a tear slipped down my cheek. I stood up and leaned into him.

Gray approached us and cried into my side and I gave him a tight squeeze as we looked out at the ruins of the once grand tourist attraction that was Jurassic World.


Off the island, in an airplane hanger for the injured, we were all being tended to. Somehow we got away mostly unscathed. Owen had only one good scratch on his arm, and I had a nice few gashes in my back, probably from the branches scraping us as we ran through the jungle.

Across the building, about ten yards away, I saw Zach, Gray, and Claire reuniting with their family. They were all hugging and crying and laughing.

I turned to Owen, as we promised that we wouldn't leave until we saw that they were safe with their loved ones.

"So what do we do now?" I asked. He smiled and pulled my body close by my waist, leaning down to meet my lips with his.

This kiss was even better than the last one. It was one of relief and happiness that we made it out. That "just in case" that Owen had said before did not come to fruition. We were alive, and we were ready for whatever was to come our way next.

And when we broke away, he looked at me as if he was never gonna let go of me ever again. I didn't want him to.

"Probably stick together," he said. "For survival."

As we walked out of the facility, I knew that somewhere on that island, one that we spent years on together building relationships with each other and with our dinosaurs, there was a Queen. And as she looked over her land at the free raptor, flying Dimos, and other unchained dinosaurs, she roared in triumph, for Jurassic World was free.

I had so much fun writing this one, and I know that it's not the BEST story, but it's sweet and it made me happy to write it. Thank you for reading! ❤️ 🦕 🦖

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