Just in case

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We stopped in front of the raptor enclosure.

"Stay in here," I told the kids before storming out of the car with Owen and Claire.

"The mother hens have finally arrived!" Hoskins cheered as he came to greet us. Owen gave him a good punch in the face.

"Get the hell out of here and stay away from our animals," I demanded.

"Hoskins you wanted this to happen you son of a bitch," Claire growled.

"Jesus!" Hoskins exclaimed. "How many more people have to die before this mission starts to make sense to you?"

"This is not a mission!" Barry said harshly. Sonya was in tow.

"This is a field test," she said. Hoskins rolled his eyes.

"This is an In-Gen situation now. Ok there are gonna be cruise ships that show up here at first light. Everybody is gonna get off this island! You're gonna watch a news story tomorrow about how you all saved lives, no you know what, better yet how your ANIMALS saved lives!"

"They're letting them out of containment," Sonya said, pointing at the raptor enclosure. "It's crazy."

"Let's move it out!" Hoskins called behind him before turning back to me. "This is happening! With or without you."

Owen and I looked at eachother and silently agreed to do it. If this was gonna happen, it was gonna happen our way.

"We know that she is in sector 5," Owen explained. "This is a game called hide and seek. It's a scent drill we've done it about a thousand times with these animals."

"It's part of my show," I said. "Mine know what they're doing."

"When they get on target, and they WILL get on target, wait to engage. Velociraptors are pack hunters. They like to heard the animal into a kill zone. That's when we take our shot."

"My Dimos will distract her by taking her attention away from you and flying around her. Get a clear shot, wait for Owen or my command, and give it everything you've got. We've got one target gentlemen, DO NOT shoot the raptors or my Dimos. Please."

The kids got out of the car when we were done briefing the troops. Owen went to his enclosure first and tended to his raptors.

"Easy Blue, easy," he cooed as he placed his hands on her caged head. She growled. "You don't scare me."

"Owen." Gray called. "Are they safe?"

Owen shook his head. "No they are not."

"What are their names?" Zack asked.

"Well, you got Charlie, that's Echo, here is Delta. This one is called Blue. She's the beta."

He pointed at each raptor as he addressed them, just like he did when he was introducing them to me.

"Who's the alpha?" Gray asked. I knew where this was going.

"You're looking at him, kid." I rolled my eyes as he gave me a wink.

"I gotta go get my Dimos ready," I said as I mounted my bike. "Wanna come meet them?"

"Yes!" Gray jumped to follow me. It seemed like he had totally forgotten about the fact that he might not survive the night. So we all drove half a mile away toward my enclosure, and Gray hopped off, giddy as a school boy.

I could hear the screeches of my dimorphodons. They had headsets on them too. I broke into a run to get to them before Maverick got too anxious. The kids followed close behind me.

Just In Case (Owen Grady- Jurassic World)Where stories live. Discover now